Its a small world fugazi33, are you a lynn boy? can you remember Kevin Rye, Andrew Gathercole, Carl Reed, Calvin Mallett, Jon Curtis (me) ?
I recognise Your name! Whereabouts did/do You live? I know the rest & did a few demo's with Kev & Uug in the latter days of the trick team
Yeah I used to live in KL, I'm Shane who rode with Jay, or Bill as We called Him then!
We were all from Clenchwarton, (me Kev, uug, Calvin and Carl) and we formed the original King's Lynn freestyle team in about 83 and did demos

unfortunately it got to a stage when the audience were better than us

, the team disbanded and Kev and ugg carried on around late 84 I think, Jay and Pat were about then and the Lynn track had been built at the back of the YMCA, I was the youngest member of the team and couldn't pull the big tricks

so I bailed, I can't put a face to your name Shane

but here's a flash back pic for you

From the left Uug, Calvin, me, Carl and Kev hahahahahahaha