Right Dads,
I need to get a new bike for my son but what can I get. He is quite small for his age last measured at about 105 cm but has been riding a bike without stabilizers from before he was 3 after using a balance bike to learn the balance (great idea those - no stabilizers ever needed).
Currently he has a hand me down 12” Raleigh baby bike the sort you see in Halfords/argos which come with stabilizers and weigh more than the sun. He loves going to the indoor skatepark nearby and I wanted to get him a better bike for this and general riding. Anyway looking on the web it’s hard to find standover heights of bikes.
I have been looking at 16” bmx’s but I have a feeling that the will currently be a bit too big. That’s not too bad as he is going to grow and I don’t really want to get one that will only last 6 months but obviously I don’t want it to be too big. Looking on winstanleys from the photos the smaller bikes looked to be the Diamond back viper, Lil Ripper and a couple of others. I spoke to a fella at winstanleys and he said the cheaper bikes like diamond back would suffer from weight issues like his current 12” bike and suggested the Redline Proline Pitboss 16” (mega pricey :-O), the lil ripper looks good to me as the top tube looks a tad lower than the other bikes.
Another option is the Isla bike cnoc 16 which from the website fits but would be nice to have a bmx it possible as he loves the skate park.
Anyone any ideas or have 16” bikes able to give standover heights?
Cheers in advance