Hi all,
As im coming to the end of some of my builds i need to confirm a few of my parts i have.
Firstly is a few bars:
Ive had a few remarks regarding the top ones..2 parties claimed these are starbars..very tight welds and a shiny area on the front left side where a small decal would have been.
Then we have what i was told were curtis bars...again i welcome your thoughts
The bottom ones are defo reynolds as the decal is still sort of visible but im wondering what these are all about?
I can measure or take extra pics if it helps
Cheers in advance Neil

Here is a few new pics to hopefully help

Reynolds weld and whats left of the decal...these measure 26" wide...11 and a half on the cross bar

Maybe starbar's... welds...these are light as hell by the way and the welds are tiny and tight.
Also check the lefthand side just under the weld...it seems shiney as if a small decal once was?
These are 28" wide and cross bar again 11.5"

Finally the bars i was told were curtis for your viewing...these seem quite heavy and look to have a long shiny area on the front left.These are 29" wide and cross bar is 11"