also Mission didn't start producing bmx's till 1998?
That's a little odd.
My buddy definately got his late summer 1996, from a shop in Stafford called Henry Burton.
It had the same bars as the "groundforce" - KHE Fat Bob copies. They bent quite easily.
The sealed hubs on his were made by "Quando" (I still have those wheels)
Ride did a test on one of these bikes (I probably have the mag somewhere)
On one of their bikes they had the pegs with the "grind rings"!!! They were alloy flatland pegs, but with a ring that was separate and revolved when "grinding". Hahaha
Heh - I remember them - stopped dead on those pegs if you tried to grind 'em - the rings were anodised a different colour from memory and didn't stop the fact that aluminium is crap for grinding

On the 1998 thang - was a question - I just thought that thay didn't start 'manufacture' (ie buying em in bulk from Taiwan) until '98 - might be (ie will be) completely wrong

Will have a butcher through me Rides later - I reckon Dordy's is a 98 though from t'serial.