Evening chap's,
Hoping you guy's can point me in the right direction on a dilema i have

.......i spotted some yellow tuff's on Ebay.com late one night for a BIN price that was too good to turn down (though no Int. shipping), though i believe if you dont ask you dont get. Emailed the seller & he said yes (top bloke)

, they arrived in 1 week from the states & no custom's charge which was a result!! My dilema is do i dye them (yellow) or after reading another thread on here do i get them aqua blasted??
Here's the one's from the state's

In the photo's they look pretty sweet, i want to put these on a carpet queen so they need to be 10/10
Now about 8 months ago i had another pair of yellow tuff's which were faded so i went down the dyeing route, though stupidly i read a thread on here wrong & put 3pkt's of dye instead of 2....doh!! They went from this

to this

Then tried dyeing them to red & fooked up, so they are gonna be black now. Dont wanna screw these one's up, so any advice would be greatly appreciated