Been looking for a suitable container for an oxalic acid bath and have trudged around several stores with a tape measure to no avail.
They need to be about 1m long to fit a frame in but nowhere seemed to do any this big.
After searching ebay I accidently came across these........they are actually dog baths but are spot on, so if anyone is looking for
a suitable container I can recommend these. Now these retail at about 50 quid in the pet shops but I got this one on ebay for £9.99
as it had been used once by the seller (well her dog!) and no-one else bid apart from me. 20 minutes car journey to pick it up so at a tenner
was well worth it. It also has a tap on the front to drain off after use.
Anyway I hope this info maybe of use to some of you looking for suitable OA bath containers.
Regards Steve