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Author Topic: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.  (Read 3731 times)

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Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« on: September 14, 2011, 04:16 PM »
Alright geezers.
Got a set of red tuffs from  oldskooldays a couple of weeks back that had been re sprayed with 2 pac automotive paint. :-[  (not by him)
Thought it would be a peice of cake, but I must say, I have put about 25 hours worth of sanding over the last two weeks and this is the result so far:

This is the condition they arrived in, just a couple of marks where the brake rub has worn through the paint.
This is after stripping the paint....

Tried everything to get the paint of. Brake fluid, oven cleaner, Laquer thinner ect. The only thing that would shift that 2 pac stuff was nitromorse. (dont have any media blasters in the area who do anything other than grit blasting)
I didn't have a problem with the nitromorse. Was very cautios at first, but the stuff didnt melt my marigolds even after two hours, so I had to let the wheel sit for about an hour before the paint bubbled up.
Anyway... after hours af sanding I now have this...

This is only one side so far, I have the other side with paint of, but needing sanding and one wheel I haven't even touched yet.
Any ideas would be great. Dont have a dish washer and havent tried the aircraft stripper and dont really want to. I have tried the razor blade, which is good for the brake rub, but thats a long process to.
Cheers guys

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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2011, 04:22 PM »
jesus 25 hours for one side, i'd a binned em after 1  :LolLolLolLol: only kiddin mate sounds like a hell of a job   :tickedoff: good luck  :daumenhoch:


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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2011, 04:43 PM »
I know :P They are supposed to be for a rider as well, but when I get these done, there's no way I am going to want to get em dirty again :(

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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2011, 05:00 PM »
Mate, check Sid1972's thread about aquablasting and slap yourself ;-(
Still limping......


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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2011, 05:05 PM »
Yep, I checked that out, but on in this part of the country does it :( I dont really want to lay out any more cash either as I'm a tight arse.) I reckon ill get the one wheel finished by the weekend though. I just keep thinking of the scene in shawshank redemption "all it takes is pressure and time" :)

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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2011, 05:07 PM »
Paint stripper won't harm the wheels, i had that straight from the horses mouth  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2011, 05:41 PM »
You say no one can aqua blast them in your part of the country. But you haven't said where abouts you live. So where are you based?


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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2011, 05:56 PM »
Based in Norwich :(
I cant see how aqua blasting can work to be honest. Getting the paint of isn't to much of a headache, but all the crap underneath is. I am using quite coarse paper and am still struggling. Maybe someone tried to dye them black at some point?
I apreciate your replies though :) :daumenhoch:


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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2011, 06:31 PM »
you can razor any straight-ish edge - then you just keep sanding them down to a smooth finish

if you keep going then in the end you will have some fantastic mags that will look show worthy  8)

I have four sets of red to do (half way through two ) then i have two sets of yellows and a set of green  ::)

just keep going mate  :daumenhoch:
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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2011, 06:32 PM »
I took my White tuffs to a bloke who does aqua blasting in Colchester which isn't that far away from you. He is called cc aqua blasting Ltd. Look it up on the web. He spent 2 hours doing my tuffs. And they look minty mint. It would be worth getting them done as red alloy hubbed tuffs are super rare. I watched him do them one evening. It was good to see the results. Hope this helps stu.  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2011, 06:41 PM »
Question ; what is aqua blasting ? just sounds like a powerfull k'archer jetwash ,can someone explain the tools and procedure please  :daumenhoch: Thanking you  :D


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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2011, 07:00 PM »
Thanks for the aqua blasting tip and info.
To be honest its not that bad. The first side took ages as I wasnt sure weather the nitromorse was gonna melt the mags, so I was doing a tiny bit at a time and letting the niromorse sit for only 5 mins. :-[
Once I realised that I was going to be ok, the second side took maybe an hour and a half ( that includes an hour with the nitromorse sitting on the paint).
The black stuff underneath is hard to shift, but if I do a segment each day, only takes 1/2 an hour and theres 5 sections all up.
I will give that co in colchester a ring see what there charges are, so thanks again for that.
I will keep you posted on my progress :daumenhoch:
By the way, I was told by the guy at the hardware store that strippers tend to be alot more mellow these days and not as harsh as they used to be (talking about paint strippers here not the female kind!!) So I wouldnt recomend using notromorse thats been sat in your dads shed for 20 years on any kind of plastic also wouldnt leave the new stuff on any longer than necassary, and make sure you wash your wheel thoroughly after too :daumenhoch:


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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2011, 07:11 PM »
Buddy you are coming along really well on them so far so dont get dragged down because its a long job

i think you will be wel pleased with the outcome when done and will have the know how for future works  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2011, 07:14 PM »
Aqua blasting is done in a sealed tank with a window. And 2 sleeves that you put your arms into to pick up and move the item being blasted/the blast trigger gun. A high pressure water jet that is mixed with very fine glass bead. (this is so fine to the human eye it looks like dust) is sprayed over the area to be cleaned. It was a method used by the air industry to clean rotor blades so they could be inspected for impurities without losing any of the suface. With the plastic tuffs you lose a slight part of the suface. We are talking microns here. So all the lettering is still showing   But it cleans them up real nice. However the brake block rub needs to be cleaned off the rim part first as the jet struggles to remove this. You end up with a nice even colour over the wheels once they have been done. However I'm not sure how it would work on faded skyways. I would like to assume that the faded part would only be on the suface and under it would be as original. A bit like car paint work when cut back and polished. But who knows. I'm waiting for someone to aqua blast a faded set to see the results. Anyway the bloke that done mine did a small section first so you could see if the process was going to work. It was a case of shit or bust!  But mine turned out minty mint. I would defiantly recommend the process to other rad members. Hope this helps. Cheers stu.  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2011, 07:44 PM »
Aqua blasting is done in a sealed tank with a window. And 2 sleeves that you put your arms into to pick up and move the item being blasted/the blast trigger gun. A high pressure water jet that is mixed with very fine glass bead. (this is so fine to the human eye it looks like dust) is sprayed over the area to be cleaned. It was a method used by the air industry to clean rotor blades so they could be inspected for impurities without losing any of the suface. With the plastic tuffs you lose a slight part of the suface. We are talking microns here. So all the lettering is still showing   But it cleans them up real nice. However the brake block rub needs to be cleaned off the rim part first as the jet struggles to remove this. You end up with a nice even colour over the wheels once they have been done. However I'm not sure how it would work on faded skyways. I would like to assume that the faded part would only be on the suface and under it would be as original. A bit like car paint work when cut back and polished. But who knows. I'm waiting for someone to aqua blast a faded set to see the results. Anyway the bloke that done mine did a small section first so you could see if the process was going to work. It was a case of shit or bust!  But mine turned out minty mint. I would defiantly recommend the process to other rad members. Hope this helps. Cheers stu.  :daumenhoch:
awsome reply stu thankyou you learn something every day  :daumenhoch:


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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2011, 09:46 PM »
told you - aquablasting is the future!   :angel:


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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2011, 11:27 PM »
Good to know coloured mags clean up using this process.
Think ill get my red zytec done now iv removed the black brake line using autosol  ;D


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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2011, 10:32 AM »
there is a cetain difference in price after having a quick word with stu  :shocked:

so sid how you for us sending them to you do get em all done ?  ;D
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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2011, 12:42 PM »
After you have had them aqua blasted spray them with WD40 as it brings the colour right back and makes them a really nice, deep, bright red again  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2011, 12:51 PM »
I am going to finish the one I have already started by hand, then I might get the other blasted. Havent been in touch with anyone yet so prices for aqua blasting would be good, however if aqua blasting wont shift brake rub, then theres no way it will shift the crap on these :(
I plan to have one wheel finished by Tuesday, so will post a pic then :daumenhoch:

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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2011, 03:58 PM »
I am going to finish the one I have already started by hand, then I might get the other blasted. Havent been in touch with anyone yet so prices for aqua blasting would be good, however if aqua blasting wont shift brake rub, then theres no way it will shift the crap on these :(
I plan to have one wheel finished by Tuesday, so will post a pic then :daumenhoch:

Once you have stripped the paint an aqua blasting or soda blasting would bring them up a treat.  Break rub needs to be removed with something more aggressive as it is the heated residue of the brake block, a stanley blade is very effective at this and should be done before you get them blasted  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2011, 05:02 PM »
there is a cetain difference in price after having a quick word with stu  :shocked:

so sid how you for us sending them to you do get em all done ?  ;D

Suppose its how long it takes the guy - the front cost me tenner and rear is not as bad so he reckons a fiver/ten max.

I do take all my stuff there and so does Spen, so he gets other work from us. This keeps him busy when he has no other car wheels to do etc.



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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2011, 07:58 PM »
so would you be up for dealing with him for a cut ?   

if you find a regular price for a pair - freewheel removed or will that get messed with ?

i have two sets of reds and two sets yellows that need doing - i can get them all in one box there for around £8.50 and £8.50 back

but what would you want if you were to handle it to them or does he want to start up some thing that is sent straight to him - that is if any thing is a go ahead ?

have a think and let us all know mate  ;)

cheers B  :angel:
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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2011, 08:14 PM »
I will have a chat with him when I drop the rear in - he may not want the hassle but you never know.. The problem there are no guarantees with it but he would still want his money for trying.

I have a set of yellow ones that are faded and I am taking them too, lets see what happens..

It was only a 'Brain Fart' of mine - but if the others come out as good its worth exploring further.

Not selling mine as they are only worth £90 tops  :-\ and when you have invested time in them its not worth it.

Sprocket and bearings and axles would have to be removed though.

Sid.  :daumenhoch:


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Re: Red Alloy Tuff's resto. Any ideas and help much appreciated.
« Reply #24 on: September 16, 2011, 11:54 AM »
cheers mate - ask him and it could be a good thing for you both, if it was a go ahead and if you both wanted - it's just worth exploring and then we know one way or another  :daumenhoch:

stay tuned folk  ;)
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