I work in a school and a reasonable number of the students use BMX's/bikes as their mode of transport to and from school...
It's shocking to see the state of the bikes they arrive on

- They are poorly maintained and often down right dangerous, I know to a certain degree ours were the same as kids but these are
awful. My dad used to at least check mine and ensure it was safe most of time.
I'm making no assumptions here and I have no doubts they have caring parents at home, some people just don't know whats wrong with a bike (not that I am an expert all things bikes)..
Because of this I have been thinking about starting a 'Bike Shac Club' at school to check and maintain the bikes for those that need help.
The question - Would I need some sort of insurance for this?
Some of the older students are keen to learn bike mechanics but there is no qualifaction at GCSE/BTEC Level that I can tap into to encourage this further. I could however cover the basics with this idea and give them some experience that may help them later when approaching shops or bike manufactures for employment or training.
Money as always will be an issues but the kids are great at fund raising and I may send a few letters to suppliers for bike bits that they see as being unsellable because of comestic imperfections etc.
I know the Head Teacher will support this but its the legal implications that may stop it

Any help/advice radsters would be great - sorry for the large post..