First off, thanks n shit to all who have made me feel welcome in the childrens bicycle association

your greetings are much appreciated...
Now then...what is it they say about good intentions etc? original intentions were all frame and forks, keep it in a box for a few months, take my time buying parts then assemble everything over the winter.
That is what was supposed to happen anyway...

...been on this forum for all of 2 weeks and already have nearly all the parts I need . Massive thanks to all the radsters who have furnished me with goodies and helped me spend my paypal budget

...did I mention that the E.P.O. is the keeper of the key that opens the magic invisible money machine? it has taken some serious cunning on my behalf to loosen the purse strings, but she seems okay with it now and is coming to terms with my growing obsession...bless her, she pretends to be interested.
It has not come without cost though...I had to sacrifice one of my beloved bass guitars (1990 charvel) to the gods of ebay before she who must be obeyed would let me make offerings of gold to strangers in return for ancient lumps of metal...

But I digress...its looking like my two wheeled steed of steel will be ready by the end of next month, then all I have to do is tame it!
Seriously though folks, thanks for being alowed to join such a great forum, there's some top peoples on here and cheers to all who have answered all my inane questions and relieved me of my wages...the addiction is kicking in...and I like it

Really must get myself a site supporter tag soon too, people must be sick of me emailing them to dib stuff....whats the score with purchasing one anyway and how long does it take to get my tag after I have sent the monies?