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Author Topic: MK Bargains!!!  (Read 30520 times)

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Re: MK Bargains!!!
« Reply #75 on: August 12, 2011, 08:26 AM »
Well i dont agree with it and i know there was some that strongly disagreed with it at MK . Biagio get slated for it and so should the rest . There has been plenty heated debates over it . Its not the done thing in our community to rip each other off .  :rant:

Well said.

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Re: MK Bargains!!!
« Reply #76 on: August 12, 2011, 10:55 AM »
It may not have been a Radster that got them and now flogging them on, maybe he's trying to make a fast buck thinking no one will ever notice  :Aresehole: If it is someone on here then its defo a name and shame time...

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Re: MK Bargains!!!
« Reply #77 on: August 12, 2011, 11:20 AM »
Well JT71 has put his name forward and he dont see an issue with it .  :-\

I am BMXBREAKERSUK on ebay check my account out at free will
Old School BMX only
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Your not famous because you have a BMX so dont expect me to lick your arse for bits !!! I will leave that to the sheep
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Re: MK Bargains!!!
« Reply #78 on: August 12, 2011, 11:36 AM »
I'm all for helping folk out with bits, not really into making cash from parts. I needed a couple of bits to finish the Haro and that's all I bought at MK.
I did see the whole box of Tange forks at Shiners and did think someone would buy those and stick them on ebay! I've seen them go for £50+ on there and they were only asking a tenner!
Someone is always going to sell bits on, if you think it's still a good deal then you'll buy it, if you know it's a crazy chancer then you wont. I think most know a good deal when they see it.

As my Haro's finished now I'll put it on here before it goes on ebay!  ;D (That's a joke, it's not for sale...yet.)


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Re: MK Bargains!!!
« Reply #79 on: August 13, 2011, 12:08 PM »
If you don't want the stuff don't buy it. I think theres a big differrence beetween buying thousands of pounds worth of cheap parts to make thousands more on (as I heard happened last year) and some one getting a few odd's and ends to pass on in future (probably to help pay the ridiculous prices some old school kit is nowaday's). I'm way more "anti capitalist" than most on here (probably all) and I just see it as a way to afford other parts you need. Maybee they'll be spending all their profits on parts some of you are selling. Are you going to refuse to sell to these people? And if I want to get rid of a set of say ukai wheels someone "gave" me in 1988 does that mean I have to give them away on here? I can see the point but keep thing's in proportion.
As for buying boxfull's at a time, I think that is a bit out of order. I went to get some sharp grip's just as someone had filled up a bagfull. I did say I was after some but he didn't offer to leave me one pair. I think that was a bit off (greedy). Wish I'd known I'd needed forks on the saturday too  :'(.
I won't be selling my MK bargain parts as they'll cost a lot more to buy again.

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Re: MK Bargains!!!
« Reply #80 on: August 13, 2011, 02:20 PM »
If you don't want the stuff don't buy it. I think theres a big differrence beetween buying thousands of pounds worth of cheap parts to make thousands more on (as I heard happened last year) and some one getting a few odd's and ends to pass on in future (probably to help pay the ridiculous prices some old school kit is nowaday's). I'm way more "anti capitalist" than most on here (probably all) and I just see it as a way to afford other parts you need. Maybee they'll be spending all their profits on parts some of you are selling. Are you going to refuse to sell to these people? And if I want to get rid of a set of say ukai wheels someone "gave" me in 1988 does that mean I have to give them away on here? I can see the point but keep thing's in proportion.
As for buying boxfull's at a time, I think that is a bit out of order. I went to get some sharp grip's just as someone had filled up a bagfull. I did say I was after some but he didn't offer to leave me one pair. I think that was a bit off (greedy). Wish I'd known I'd needed forks on the saturday too  :'(.
I won't be selling my MK bargain parts as they'll cost a lot more to buy again.

Can't disagree with you there mate.

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Re: MK Bargains!!!
« Reply #81 on: August 13, 2011, 05:38 PM »
I had some 880's for a £10 each :daumenhoch:  I sold two to Madferret for the same price and I am keeping two for my next build whatever it will be????    :coolsmiley:

I also got a pair of counter sunk front spindles for an 880 I have been after some for years.  both have now been fitted so my total spend was £50 :4_17_5:

I was tempted to buy a Haro Master but couldn't justify it to myself


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Re: MK Bargains!!!
« Reply #82 on: August 14, 2011, 10:11 PM »
I went along sunday first rad event for me :) couldnt believe the bargains at shiners stall,and got a few for my builds ,but it sounds like most went on saturday :(,i love a bargain and would have brought more but only for my builds or to horde for future builds,i watch ebay prices all the time and they are going through the roof :(, can somebody tell me can you buy direct from shiners at these prices? if they have anything left!!!!!!! :'( :'(


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Re: MK Bargains!!!
« Reply #83 on: August 14, 2011, 10:25 PM »
If you don't want the stuff don't buy it. I think theres a big differrence beetween buying thousands of pounds worth of cheap parts to make thousands more on (as I heard happened last year) and some one getting a few odd's and ends to pass on in future (probably to help pay the ridiculous prices some old school kit is nowaday's). I'm way more "anti capitalist" than most on here (probably all) and I just see it as a way to afford other parts you need. Maybee they'll be spending all their profits on parts some of you are selling. Are you going to refuse to sell to these people? And if I want to get rid of a set of say ukai wheels someone "gave" me in 1988 does that mean I have to give them away on here? I can see the point but keep thing's in proportion.
As for buying boxfull's at a time, I think that is a bit out of order. I went to get some sharp grip's just as someone had filled up a bagfull. I did say I was after some but he didn't offer to leave me one pair. I think that was a bit off (greedy). Wish I'd known I'd needed forks on the saturday too  :'(.
I won't be selling my MK bargain parts as they'll cost a lot more to buy again.

well said mate and this is what i do  :daumenhoch: otherwise just cannot afford to keep up with the stupidly high prices :'( it's either this or i pack it in altogether  :'( and also spent someonewhere in the region of 2-3 grand with the radbmxshop since it opened but any profit i make goes straight back into bmx bikes/parts whether it is on here,ebay or radbmxshop this is my passion  :smitten:

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