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Author Topic: Do standards slip as you get older or are you just a cheap bastard?  (Read 18389 times)

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Offline Andy68

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My two pence worth........ I love my 40 quid '81 Canadian Raleigh just as much as the not so cheap GT.   :P 

Offline Mattdub

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FPMSL at that taxidermy sh1t ^^^^  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Offline Jaymz

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FPMSL at that taxidermy sh1t ^^^^  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

My missus laughed til she cried at them fooking brilliant

Offline jT Racing

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:LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:

 :wtf: is that taxidermy about, I am sitting here crying with laughter at the faces and that fox is fooking hilarious.  :LolLolLolLol:

Don't diss my fox, it's a Lowry fox tip-toeing past a la Tom & jerry
ding dong

Offline crazycraig

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all those taxi fook up were in te sun paper today ..... funny
Old School BMX only
Cash is King
Your not famous because you have a BMX so dont expect me to lick your arse for bits !!! I will leave that to the sheep
Jim'll fix it did loads for charity

Offline WINI

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Think I've just shat meself reading that lot!  Too fookin funny

I had an opinion at the start but now I'm just rolling about laughing  :2funny:  :2funny:  :2funny:

What was the thread about again?
Neil, the bathroom's free. Unlike the country under the Thatcherite junta

Offline rollin72

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Think I've just shat meself reading that lot!  Too fookin funny

I had an opinion at the start but now I'm just rolling about laughing  :2funny:  :2funny:  :2funny:

What was the thread about again?
..about these fellas wer'nt it >:D

Offline Bob_Acid

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Couple of things from me; firstly, i'm still waiting for someone to do a Mk1 Piranah. They were crap and they were cheap but it was the first bike to come into my circle of friends and I'm still waiting for a stock one to come along, it's been a long wait.

Secondly; Sugino stems? As a kid i rode most of the stems that were on the market at the time bar Hutch or ESP and the one that kept going back on after breakages was the DB Sugino.

Offline WINI

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Have some of this loveliness, shove your aerospeeds up yer aerohole

Neil, the bathroom's free. Unlike the country under the Thatcherite junta

Offline stu27

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i love TRM  :Great_Britain:
negativity is for chumps,positivity is for champs


  • Berm Worm
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This thread shows that we don't give a sh!t about the f'ing price of a bike - if you want to put top parts on, do it - if you want to do up a bike that was a pos and cheap first bike, well go the fcuk ahead - IT'S BMX  8)

this thread has turned around from some gob shite mouthing off to a bloody good read - keep it going  :daumenhoch:

ukoldschool - metal up yer ass - sorry don't know the grade of the metal, but up yours anyway  :Aresehole:
The Devil is away on business, I'm having to step in for him - How can I make your day Hell !!!

Offline GTnumber1

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Crap parts and in some cases crap frames that we wouldn’t have touched in the old days... Is it just that your tight and don’t want to shell out for a decent skyway/haro/GT?

DP freestylers
Absolute cack then, cack now in my eyes. Sure, I appreciate that to some there’s a certain quirkiness about a British built (read birdshit welded, low quality steel) frame but honestly we used to laugh at DP's back then and I still laugh at them now.

sounds like your building a cheap bike if you cant shell out a tenner for a site supporters tag  ;D ;D ;D ;D

DP cack you must be on crack  :uglystupid2: :uglystupid2: :uglystupid2: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol: :LolLolLolLol:

Offline GTnumber1

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I have to say I like the old DPs but there geometry is awful! There head tube angle is way to relaxed and the steering is all over the place.

Thank god a voice of sanity! They rode like what they were - a very poor copy of a haro with the angles all wrong. The only reason the forks are non raked is to try and put some sparkle into the geometry - and all that did was to make them feel nasty and squirelly. Ride a master or a streetbeat directly after a Firebird and youll see what I mean. Even an Ammaco freestyler (which was frankly the ultimate dogshit bike) has better geometry than a DP IMO.

you talk out your crack mate........... i rode my dp back in the day and it was great for flatland and still have it now............. why dont you build a haro than instead of a pos streetbeat?  tight arse  :LolLolLolLol:


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I just found a picture of ukoldschool on the tinternet  ;)

The Devil is away on business, I'm having to step in for him - How can I make your day Hell !!!

Offline stidds

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Warriors come out to playay...............................


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 You can't polish a turd, no matter how you you dress it up.   :uglystupid2:

No,but you can roll it in glitter.

Did you come up with that one yourself?

you can't polish a turd?  :LolLolLolLol:
But you can roll it in glitter...
Thought not.   :uglystupid2:  :LolLolLolLol:
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 08:21 AM by ozone »

Offline Bob_Acid

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Yo, ukoldschool? you have any super flyer slaloms in that skateboard collection?


  • Berm Worm
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B-A you after old boards and old wheels ?  ???
The Devil is away on business, I'm having to step in for him - How can I make your day Hell !!!


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Just read this thread. What a total fookin dickhead. I thought skyway street beat were a poor mans TA . Who gives a fook what parts you put on your bike.
And as for DP's I know which one I would choose between that and a streetbeat (poor mans TA) and its not the shitebeat.


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I registered on this site some time ago when I was building up my Streetbeat, then I lost touch and have come back, and I have a rant to get off my chest.
Im sure this rant will mark me as an enemy or a snob to many on this site but its something that I have to say!
WTF is going on with all the absolute crap being put on peoples builds these days?
Crap parts and in some cases crap frames that we wouldn’t have touched in the old days... Is it just that your tight and don’t want to shell out for a decent skyway/haro/GT?

3 Prime examples:

Maxycross cranks
These things were hideous back in the day and I for one would have been embarrassed to be seen with a pair (I stuck with a one piece till I could afford a set of profiles). I remember halfords had literally hundreds of them on the shelf as frankly - they were shit!

DP freestylers
Absolute cack then, cack now in my eyes. Sure, I appreciate that to some there’s a certain quirkiness about a British built (read birdshit welded, low quality steel) frame but honestly we used to laugh at DP's back then and I still laugh at them now.

Cack stems, ie Sugino, SR etc
Appalingly made sandcast lumps of ugliness – just why?

Am I on my own here? Don’t get me wrong I see some quality builds still happening (the trickstar for example) but honestly the cheapo build seems to be taking over and I DONT LIKE IT!

Rant over, flak jacket engaged, bring on the flames

can we have a look at this streetbeat please?

« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 12:11 AM by darksunday »


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haha is that the famous katau's helmet?
the fooker never put it on for us like he promised

hope he paid up in the end though


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can we have a look at this streetbeat please?

Of course you can - its in the skyway section.

I see this thread has gone the way I imagined. I didnt expect it to be popular but at least it stirred a bit of debate (amongst the worryingly homo erotic come-ons from bendycant et al)

A couple of things that need addressing firstly IMO a streetbeat rides better than a haro (Ive tried them all), its an excellent F&F. Its also not a 'poor mans TA', hahaha!if you knew anything about skyways youd know that. Regarding me being cheap and not buying a 'site sponsor' tag - when I first registered you didnt need one, and at the mo there isnt anything I need to buy. But if that changes, ill have no problem with buying a tag, after all it only costs the same as a low end F&F ;)

TTFN, looking forward to the responses :)

Offline Swivel

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haha is that the famous katau's helmet?
the fooker never put it on for us like he promised

hope he paid up in the end though

That Katau is a rip-off thieving cunt that deserves everything nasty that's coming to him  :2gunsfiring_v1:

Offline popedante

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that taxidermy sh!t , funny as fook    :daumenhoch:

two words  -  wonky donkey    :2funny:

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