I come bearing gifts (kind of)

Finally got that damn paint off, as well as the original blue paint underneath.

Welds are a bit cleaner with the paint gone, still gammy though, and theres a random patch of brass too, the plan is to grind these suckers back and use my degree in art to make them pretty with filler before primer, god help me.

You can see the original greenish-blue in the bottom bracket, confusingly there was this original color on ALL parts (which sort of rules out a cut and shut, unless whoever did it stripped it back to the metal all-over too).

Here's a view of that crack on the left loop, i'm going to have it rewelded on both sides then ground down so the transition between large and small tube is smooth and symetrical.

Top tubes and bottom sections are more or less perfectly in line with each other, making the frame a perfect elongated triangle from above.
Wont be getting the bits welded till monday at the earliest, but i'll give cleaning up the welds a go tomorrow, for now i'm going to kick back and wait for the smell of nitromors to leave my nostrils.

I'm thinking once the frames done and primed, i'll be doing the frame a light greenish blue, the forks and bars a soft creme, and restoring the wheels back to their original yellow (then using yellow for seat, grips and possibly pedals) with the same blue for levers and the same creme for brake cables, then up the front forks a progressive line pattern from dense bars of the same blue to thin and more spaced out (pattern will go from dropouts to about 1/3rd up the fork).
I don't really have anything to work with since i've no idea how it was meant to look, or if the bikes even a proper model, but on the off chance that it's something someones cobbled together, i'm going to fix her up and make it beautiful =)