awhile ago i was poking around asking people if they remember when the first 990 brake plates came about. nobody could remember exactly. i couldnt track down much info on the subject, and i couldnt remember exactly when either.
fast foward to a few months ago. i went on a riding trip up to greenville and rode with my buddy paul murray. i noticed him (and a few others) were all running useless brake mounts. ive been looking for one for a long time. i said "man, how do all you guys have one of them? ive been looking forever." then paul says " well im the one that made them" :lol: if only i asked him years ago i would have had one in my hands a long time ago :lol:
anyways he told me about the whole story of his mounts and 990s on the front. this is the first bike with 990s on a plate
"1994. Oklahoma City in the Hoffman Bikes Warehouse. Shane Kinsley and I were disgusted with our front brakes, (so were most riders of the time) and we were discussing the brakes available. I had a bolt on 990 mount in a box of junk that I had hauled out from North Carolina. I had made it years before for a friend who wanted 990's on the BACK of his aluminum PK Ripper. We took that mount, and an old 990 brake, and bolted it on the front of my bike. We tried to figure out how to have Pott's Mod and still use this center pull brake. That is when Shane made a brilliant observation...."
"Shane said something like: "You don't have to pull it from the center, you just have to pull them together." The bells went off. With a bolt on barrell adjuster from another old brake, and a custom pinch bolt, we had working 990's ON THE FRONT in a matter of minutes. It all seemed too simple. A few days later, I made mounts for McCoy and Miron. A month or so later, the Standard boys showed up at the BS contest wearing their own design of a 990 plate around their necks (like they were Flava Flave), and selling them like hotcakes. As far as I know, before that day, nobody had 990's on the FRONT of their bikes with the cable routed like this."
a few months later paul was making the useless mounts. idea was copied by plenty of companies.
now i have one again. these are the best mounts.
kitty approves