I'm pretty new to this site. I was wondering how the tag system works. As I am currently riding with stabilisers. Is it on the amount of posts you make. Or time on the site. I think it is ironic that I have a riding with stabilisers tag as I never used them. When it came to learning to ride my bike I wouldn't get on it until my dad had taken them off! I was 4 years old and just got on and rode straight away. Now you might think that this was a good start to a flatland bmx career. But sadly I peaked to early at four years old!!

I did enter 2 comps one in the c class flatland which I came 2nd. Beaten by effraim Cattlow at some comp sponsored by on yer bike in the 80's. The other comp was a jam at Carlo Griggs ramp. Where I entered 80's ramp. I came 3rd and won some bike bits. That comp was a real eye opener. We all stayed in a bungalow or was it a converted garage at Carlos house for the weekend. I have never seen so much old bmx gear in boxes and boxes on shelves everywhere. It was like lost treasure! I asked if he wanted to sell any bits and he just said help yourself it's all old junk! Unreal. Top bloke.