Don't think they were £600, £200 is where I recall them being. I recall the skyway riders having them in various colours but to the general public they were black or black. I had a set BITD and swapped them for some Ukai speedlines and much targeted riding them 
Black only.

Nope multi coloured
Colored Skyway wheels showed up occasionally in BMX magazines. From my understanding, these wheels were only made specially for the Skyway riders and never actually produced for sale.
quoted from his site
Here's a little story about a score the true BMX collectors should appreciate. A chance call put some super-rare BMX parts in my hands and started a pretty unique project. You might have to be a BMX collector to appreciate these wheels but to put things in perspective, a pair of the original black wheels currently sell for approximately $1000 and as far as I know, these are the only colored Tuffs Wheels with first generation Campagnolo flanges in them. In case there is any confusion: these are not graphite wheels - just the hubs from graphite Tuff Wheels inserted into colored outers.
as he says they are not graphites, just coloured tuffs with campy hubs

graphites only came in black, however some factory riders had different coloured hubs such as blue