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Should there be an open custom class at mk 11?
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Topic: Should there be an open custom class at mk 11? (Read 757 times)
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540 Air
Posts: 2757
Two's Company
Should there be an open custom class at mk 11?
May 29, 2011, 10:40 AM »
Hi. I'm new on here and have never been to the Mk show and shine event. But I'm going to be there this year with my latest build. The only thing is it doesn't really conform to any of the classes. I'm not really a purist. Not saying that I don't respect the bikes they build with all the correct parts for that era/model. I like to build full on custom show bikes with wild paint jobs and chrome/polished bits. Also I like the parts I fit to be the ones I like whether they are from the 80's 90's 00's or present day. Now I know that some people will probably shoot me down with flames for being that way. But most items on the bikes nowadays are built much better and stronger. Ok it's not of the correct era. Let's take for example an 1"1/8 headset that uses aheadset. Compared to the 1" screw on type that always used to come loose. Even with a the lock off nut. The system used today is much better. Also drop outs are better and stronger on forks and frames. However to me all the current bmx's of today look very much alike with similar geometry and handlebar shape. Unless you buy a retro remake which I am a fan off. (I think I need to purchase the remake condor when it is released!). The bikes in the 80's & 90's had lots of character with wild frames and bars. Something we miss today. I am still amazed how we managed to ride those bikes so well back in the day. You didn't get to upset when your Haro cracked. You just got it welded back up again.
anyway I would personally like to see an open custom class that any bike could be entered into regardless of age or era that the frame, forks, handlebars, or any other parts came from. Let me know your views. Thanks for reading. Discostu
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Re: Should there be an open custom class at mk 11?
Reply #1 on:
May 29, 2011, 11:30 AM »
The year before last the bike that won the 'rad team choice' had new parts on it. If your bike's that good and stands out from the rest it will get recognition but there's a lot of competition.
540 Air
Posts: 2757
Two's Company
Re: Should there be an open custom class at mk 11?
Reply #2 on:
May 29, 2011, 12:23 PM »
Thanks for your reply. Can I ask if that bike was entered in any of the other categories. Or was it like my build. Which is a mixture of my favourite parts from several eras. All made to look like new. Don't get me wrong I could put some parts from the correct era on the bike and enter it. But that isnt how I want it to look. I going a bit out of the box with this build.
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Hoffman's Love Child
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Re: Should there be an open custom class at mk 11?
Reply #3 on:
May 30, 2011, 10:13 AM »
Just bring it along and show it
540 Air
Posts: 2757
Two's Company
Re: Should there be an open custom class at mk 11?
Reply #4 on:
May 31, 2011, 06:52 PM »
Oh don't worry. I will defiantly be bringing it along to show. The only things that bother me, are where I can put it or them. I may have another bike as well!
is there plenty of cover in case it rains. Or do you have to bring. Your own gazebo type affair with you. If so what time are you expected to pitch it up. To get a reasonable spot? The thing is I'm a complete newbie to this site so I don't know anybody. And I won't know anyone there either unless they used to ride in the old bfa or invert comps etc. To be honest I've been out of it that long I probably wouldn't be recognised by anyone!! Lol. And I wouldn't expect anyone to give me a viewing area to show my wares. The bike is about 90% done. And I must admit it has been a total pig to build. I can't believe how easy I used to change out a frame back in the day without much fuss. It just seems that everytime I go to fit something to this bike it isn't as straight forward as I had planned.
anyway I only live in Bedford so I'm about 20 miles away from mk. I'm debating on staying for the night for a few beers. But I will have to get a tent. The only problem is I promised to take my old riding buddy and his Hoffman. But it is very unlikely he will get a pass out from his misses for the night/weekend. I might have to take his bike. And hope he can get his own way back home. Oh well I shall see if I can make friends with anyone before the event. It's a shame I can't do the London ride out on the 26th. I've got a bloody christening! Never mind. Cheers for your post stu.
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Re: Should there be an open custom class at mk 11?
Reply #5 on:
June 01, 2011, 08:50 AM »
Stu, don't worry......we have a huge marquee (? spelling) where all the show bikes go, so they stay all snug and dry if it rains.
As for your mate? well you need to tell him to grow a pair and get a fooking weekend pass, FFS it's only 1 weekend a year
he'll regret not doing it
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Tail Whip
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Re: Should there be an open custom class at mk 11?
Reply #6 on:
June 01, 2011, 09:16 AM »
Stu you will be made to feel welcome by most people on here bud at MK. If you want a few introductions pitch your tent in the helipad field and look for me and my brother Simon's big gazeebo full of tools and bikes as all the "non-era correct as we rode them back in the day" bikes are welcomed in with open arms and a cold beer mate!
In the last 5 years I've been back into BMX building and riding I've never built a single era correct bike and don't intend to start now - all my bikes are built how I would have upgrded them bitd if I'd have had the money. I have 90's Flights on 80's freestylers, 80's brakes on 70's race bikes and even a NS drive on an OS bike so come on down, you'll be in the right place!
Still limping......
540 Air
Posts: 2757
Two's Company
Re: Should there be an open custom class at mk 11?
Reply #7 on:
June 01, 2011, 01:08 PM »
Thanks for your replies. I will look out for you at mk. I've gone a step further with my build. A lot of parts have had to be machined or modified to fit my build. If you give me your email address I will email you some pics. But please don't publish them. I'm saving it for the show. There are so many things on my bike that sound very wrong. Well to the purist that is! But when you see the bike it looks like it should be that way. I'm ready to upset the old school pk fans!
ps do you think it's wrong to drill a hole in a £200 set of carbon race forks. To bolt on a brake hanger. And then fit pegs! Coz I didn't think twice
Re: Should there be an open custom class at mk 11?
Reply #8 on:
June 01, 2011, 11:00 PM »
I've decided discostu is a complete loon for drilling carbon forks, but brilliant for just saying fook it, it's done, Good Lad
540 Air
Posts: 2757
Two's Company
Re: Should there be an open custom class at mk 11?
Reply #9 on:
June 02, 2011, 01:19 PM »
I just can't ride a bike without brakes. The drill had to come out.
let's hope the forks don't snap!!
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