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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2011, 08:59 AM »
I think theres far too much discussion on this subject (no offence to Andy for starting this thread) but my opinion is dont think about it and over analyze it. Theres more to vintage BMX than being a collector, theres a rich hstory to explore and thats where i get my inspiration from. If i like a brand and an era, then ill be compelled to build a bike at some point once i have researched it. Not enough rider reps around these days either they are a proper challenge... not enough imagination and too much duplication can get boring.

I do accept though that parts are becoming stupid in value. I think that will even out though over time as the whole hobby relies on the circulation of parts for those selling and buying.... unless you like in Northampton it would seem.

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2011, 09:04 AM »
I'd like to finish a couple of the ones I started a few years back, still waiting to get my NOS 85 Haro Master built, I think I have all the parts I wanted for it and some more but need to do it and my Patterson Pro Long needs some fettling and a rechrome.  I can't see me building anymore but you can never say never and I am sure that something will come up that I'll just have to have but for the moment I have even stopped picking up bits and bobs as choices for builds  :-\

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2011, 12:19 PM »
None left to do, I've had all my fun and all but called it a day.

I've sold everything apart from the one bike that means most to me and what started it all. :daumenhoch:
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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #28 on: May 15, 2011, 12:34 PM »
I'll never stop looking for a 83 Robinson cruise and have still got 3 bikes to finish . I keep thinking of splitting my non robbos but keep looking at them and can't do it  :-\. Yet . I need some of my house back .  . I keep saying I'm gonna do something in pink for the missus . :D  :daumenhoch:

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #29 on: May 15, 2011, 01:01 PM »
How many times do people say , after this one I'm finished ,, no really ,,okay I just had to get this other one ,, but that's it honest

,, oh hang on a minute , I've just gotta gotta buy that  :D

Sound familiar  ::)

thought so  :LolLolLolLol:

I think it depends on the circumstances Mr H....

If you are giving up becuse you cant build another due to lack of room, finances, the wife nagging and you still have the love for it, you can easily be driven to build another if those circumstance change, then yes you're right....... BUT if you have built most of the bikes you have dreamed of owning/building and nothing else catches your eye then then it would be easy to stop building/collecting bmx's... I havent built a bike or bought any parts for ages, I've had the parts to build these last 2 for months but just couldnt be bothered.... nothing else is catching my eye and I think the cost to build a decent OS bmx is now verging on ridiculous... I've sold a few bikes and parts recently and some I vowed I'd never sell.... but money talks!

Well said Del  :daumenhoch:

You know anyting I put is just light hearted  ::) of course it different circumstances at different times for  different people

Every couple of years I build up a certain amount of bikes and then have a cull/ sell of alot of bits just to freshen it up  :)

3 years ago I sold 8 full bikes in 2 months  :shocked: and since the start of the year I bought 3 and sold 4 and considered selling 2 more.

Apart from those,, I've been tweaking for 2 years with  same bikes  and could be still doing that for that for a long while to come even though I only actually need about 5 parts .

There are still  4 bikes I haven't  done which  may or may not happen ,, but hopefully I'll be still logging on here in another 5 years to come and more .

For a few members on here BMX is in your blood and you'll always want it in your life and for others a nostalgia fix to satisfy their lust as we all do ,within  2 or 3 years and then off to another interest   :) all good

Space is a big factor ,, I have a garage and a spare  room and it isn't enough, otherwise I'd keep more if space wasn't an issue , I genuinely like all my builds and a little sad when one goes  :-\.

The big collectors who have sold in the last year or two , will have made a packet and that will have sweetened any slight  regrets  :D

I reckon many will be back to buy again at some point , on a smaller scale  :)

This place has been good club to hang out in ,, so long may the doors be open


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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #30 on: May 15, 2011, 02:18 PM »
how i feel right now i could go on buying & building stuff forever.but i'm gonna stick to freestyle builds only now,and definately to ride.i will have 2 show pieces only,and the rest are gonna get ridden for sure.i'm into survivor frame sets aswell,not just cause there gonna get ridden,but because of the nostalgia with em.i'm sure my mood will change in time,but i've just started riding again at the age of 38,and can see no reason to stop until its physically not possible anymore.i rearly do love it every bit as much as i did bitd.  :smitten:

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #31 on: May 15, 2011, 02:32 PM »
"I keep saying I'm gonna do something in pink for the missus" . :D  :daumenhoch:
I keep saying that too but I dont think she'll go for it  :(  ::)  :yahoo_silent:



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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #32 on: May 15, 2011, 02:54 PM »

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #33 on: May 15, 2011, 03:21 PM »
I think think my DP was my last build for a while. But never say never.

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #34 on: May 15, 2011, 03:36 PM »
not built anything for a year now....

sold £7K worth of parts since then (probably 13-14K worth of stuff in the last 2 years..?)

not got the same passion for the hobby that i have 5 or 6 years ago,

still got a KAPPA to build, and mid school Floval. May also re-build the Trickstar, but mot buying anything in the near futute... :)

Offline rick1970

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #35 on: May 15, 2011, 03:46 PM »
I rediscovered o/s bmx  in 2009 thanks to my daughter mithering for one on ebay where i then found all the gear i had hence the bug to rebuild my old bike ,but then i finnished it and that was it job done for 6mths or so ,till i then found this site radbmx  my life has never been the same since  :LolLolLolLol: thanks rad for keeping the flame burning if it wasnt for this site id probably be prunning bonsai trees or something  :daumenhoch:


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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #36 on: May 15, 2011, 04:05 PM »
think of all the other things you've been into over the years? be careful what you sell as you might regret it and want it back again ::)


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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #37 on: May 15, 2011, 04:32 PM »
sold all my collection a while ago and the last of my mid school stuff on the bay past few weeks, kept the bike i wanted years ago and a few bits for it but still keep looking around for new stuff hahaha guess that will be there for a while. would love to to a few os builds but prices are just too silly these days :-\


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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #38 on: May 15, 2011, 04:36 PM »
I got back into this 3 yrs ago after picking up a cheap reflex, now after building a couple and selling some bits and bikes i have the 2 bikes that i always wanyed bitd.
Both 1986, Haro master and Hutch trickstar ( nearly finished )    :smitten:

There are a couple more i would like to build but the price of parts are becoming more expensive and therefore may stop at the ones i have.......... prob wont but thats what im telling the wife! :LolLolLolLol:

Id still like a curtis and DP freestylers but i can wait till the right ones come along at the right prices, i have an aero reflex to finish for my eldest so that will keep me busy in the meantime.

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #39 on: May 15, 2011, 04:50 PM »
Got 5 more to finish before MK, then i've stuck an 86 master away for the future to do but by then the prices will be massive so i'm buying it all in advance then that 86 will be my last ever build...

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #40 on: May 16, 2011, 07:36 AM »
Yep, got my fleet down to a sensible 5 completes almost finished around Christmas and then a set of NOS 7C's turned up which meant my lush rider 7X's were spare. A cheeky punt on ebay  bagged me an unplaned '79 Supergoose frame and then US ebay a couple of weeks later got me the forks....

Got that close to finished and that was definitely me done at 6 completes unless an MRD Badlander or MRD Pro/Expert appeared (which let's face it, they hardly ever do) so I thought I was finished.

Now got an MRD Badlander 95% finished and a stablemate Expert on the way, so my long and winding point of this post is that you just never know what will crop up when you think you've finished building!
Still limping......

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2011, 08:59 AM »
Got 5 more to finish before MK, then i've stuck an 86 master away for the future to do but by then the prices will be massive so i'm buying it all in advance then that 86 will be my last ever build...

Edit: erm... unless another 85 master comes up cheap that is  ;D  :D

I do agree with Dom above though, there's still plenty to explore with this hobby and the old school scene is only getting bigger and better with more people doing it now then ever, so I can only see things improving but yes parts are certainly getting more thin on the ground now.

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2011, 09:53 AM »
I still have loads to build/get the parts for and for me finding the parts I want at the right price is the main issue at the moment  ??? I’ve picked up a few things over the last year or so that I thought were a fair price or I’ve done swaps/PX with people on here  :smitten:

I've got no intention of paying (what I think) is daft amounts of money on parts, that if I keep looking will sooner or later turn up.

Just off the top of my head I'd say there are six to eight builds I want to do and that’s excluding the four I have on the go plus the completes that I keep tweaking when a bargain turns up on here or ebay.

To me the OS BMX community goes though cycles (sorry no pun intended) and collectors will come and go and come back again! The thing that keeps me interested is the characters and friends I’ve met and the good times I’ve had and the memories shared about a part of my life that I loved.

What I don’t get are people who spit their dummies out take it all to serious  :uglystupid2: me it’s as much about the people on here and laugh we have  :daumenhoch:

The way I see it were all just old blokes who want to remember the good times, collect and sometimes ride kid’s bikes.  :smitten:
I might actually build a bike this year instead of just hoarding parts :)

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2011, 12:42 PM »
I forgot to add I need to finish restoration of a few parts and then build my ProCraft  :-[

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #44 on: May 16, 2011, 01:15 PM »
im retired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

but if an 82 patty long comes up for sale im out of retirement but thats the only bike that will get me back in to this addiction :-\
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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #45 on: May 16, 2011, 04:00 PM »

I'm about half way through my builds so still got sh!t loads of frames to keep me busy well into the future. Still got a couple of rare mongoose frames to find to "complete" the collection but not many at all now and got most of the parts for my builds too. I don't really "hoard" as the parts I have are for the builds that I know are coming and I have a regular clear out of crap I don't need or if I replace a part with something tastier. It'll be over a year before I've "finished" the full goose collection and when they're all done I'll probably split em down and re-build them in different colour / parts combos by mixing them up  :D

There's a few "repeats" in the collection so I may sell a coulpe after MK this year..... will have to see  :-\

Can't see me doing too many non-goose builds when I'm finished with the geese but there's a couple on the list I wouldn't mind doing and I did recently add a non-goose project to the collection  :-X  ;)

Still love it......... Hunting, researching, restoring and building........ it's ace  :daumenhoch:

Anyone got any tasty black tyres  :angel: ;D

mongoositis - an expensive disease......

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #46 on: May 16, 2011, 06:33 PM »
Mongoose's John, i didn't know you liked them mate.
One build a year, the only way to get it right. No rushing involved.

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #47 on: May 16, 2011, 06:37 PM »


I can't believe you started this thread Andy - your the world's worst for "Just 1 last build" mate  :LolLolLolLol:

I remember when the 83 gusset goose was your "last build" i think that was 3 or 4 ago now  ;D

It's all good mate - you'll be back with another build or 2 next year I'm sure  :coolsmiley:


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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #48 on: May 16, 2011, 06:44 PM »

To be honest mate, i only ever wanted a Rickman and an MRD when i started this hobby.

I think it's the parts available that is doing my head in, it took me freakin ages to get a black chainring. Parts are just so thin on the ground now which will make any future builds quite frustrating hence why i think after the builds in my hall are completed i'll quit.

I'll always be looking though  ;D cause you just never know.

I thought i'd found a nice one a few weeks back but i've been messed about so i've given up on the little prick.

My stock of parts is relatively thin, i'm ok for pro size bars and Number plates though.  :coolsmiley:
One build a year, the only way to get it right. No rushing involved.

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #49 on: May 16, 2011, 06:51 PM »

You'll find a nice little complete for another sympathetic resto somewhere again Andy  ;)

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