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Author Topic: How many builds left in you ?????  (Read 6443 times)

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Offline southern andy

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How many builds left in you ?????
« on: May 14, 2011, 06:22 PM »
Or how long will you keep going for ?????

We've had a few of the big collectors retire over the last year or so, they've pretty much sold all their stuff which in turn has given the likes of us mediocre collectors something to buy and resume building some stunning builds.


recently there hasn't been a lot coming up for sale and the Wanted section is going through the roof, if you want something it seems to need bumping everyday just to get on to the first page. This is frustrating with MK only a few months away. This means there are still a few peeps out there hoarding stuff, because of this will you carry on building in the future with stuff getting really hard to get ?????

Me..... i have 2 builds here and i'm doing my utmost to get them ready for the great day in August.  I have all the parts i need so i'm probably quite lucky but in the future i just can't see me doing any more. I'm watching absolutely nothing on E-bay neither.

I seriously think these two last builds of mine are my last. Thankfully they're the two builds i wanted to do since i got back in to BMX 3/4yrs ago.

your thoughts please or even if you're a hoarder, please tell us why.  :angel:
One build a year, the only way to get it right. No rushing involved.

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2011, 07:34 PM »
I have plenty builds left in me . But cannot get me mits on what I want  :tickedoff:

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2011, 08:09 PM »
I've noticed that the For Sale thread has gone a bit stale recently, and it seems to be taking longer longer to obtain the parts i want / need  :'(
Personally I just dont have the disposable cash i used to have, 10 month old and now a recently made redundant wife means that disposable cash is pretty thin on the luck / the economy has got to improve before i take on any more projects  :-\


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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2011, 08:52 PM »
After building stuff for almost 3 years I have toyed with the idea of splitting all of my bikes up and partiing them out and then putting the money into 1 complete.
At the minute I am hoarding a few bits brakes,saddles and other bits and adding to the bits when good deals come along or bits that are hard to get pop up I buy em,at present going through the motions of up grading bits on all three bikes and have a list of stuff I need and when they pop up I add em to the builds as and when.

May have a build left in me but it would be a wallet wrencher like a gen 1 with Graffs etc,sport gen 1 or 2 or 84 Chrome master,mint chrome TA or Chrome Hutch US trickstar hutched up to the eyeballs.....unless my 3 bikes go then these will remain a pipe dream and I will just carry on tweaking til I can't tweak nomore  :crazy2:

Twaeking is Fun.....seems to never end too  8)

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2011, 08:56 PM »
I would love 2 find a Birmingham wheels Pro frame 2 kick start me off again  ;) found a couple but the owners just ain't budging  :'(


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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2011, 09:06 PM »
I would love 2 find a Birmingham wheels Pro frame 2 kick start me off again  ;) found a couple but the owners just ain't budging  :'(

I know of a bham wheels full factory rider bike....awesome survivor  :smitten:

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2011, 09:14 PM »
Agreed parts are getting hard to find and some peeps are going mad with the prices.
Ive only just got back into the bmx thing and enjoying building my riders :) i have loads of projects i wanna do and coz i build mainly riders funds dont have to be so high.

Anyway i just love saving bmx's from finding there way to the dump so ill keep building until i cant ride anymore.

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2011, 09:17 PM »
Just 1 build left I think  (Mongoose Californian) which will be built out of spare parts I have left over from other bikes that have been split.  I've run out of time and funds for any more builds.

Then the collection will exist of:

TA XL in Chrome
TA XL in White
Gen 1
Mongoose Californian
SE Floval Flyer '05

 . . . which will do me nicely.

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2011, 09:34 PM »
5 months down the line after my first build started, I've found it's totally taken over everything else!! I wanna build a 2nd but don't really know if I can afford to do it again.

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2011, 09:38 PM »
Just finished my last old school freestyler today and got a mid school to do for MK11.. that's it.. no more for me

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2011, 09:42 PM »
have most of the parts for another Ripper, this ones a race repo from 79 so getting everything correct is super hard and a friggin knightmare. That was going to be it for a long while but have just got my hands on my holy grail frame set "79 round top ripper" so need some serious thought about that one. Neither I think will be ready for MK  :'(

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2011, 09:51 PM »
How many times do people say , after this one I'm finished ,, no really ,,okay I just had to get this other one ,, but that's it honest

,, oh hang on a minute , I've just gotta gotta buy that  :D

Sound familiar  ::)

thought so  :LolLolLolLol:

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2011, 09:53 PM »
I got out but now back in  :D

Got about 6 to do  ;)

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2011, 09:58 PM »
Haven't really got anything to do, nothing really catches my eye anymore.

Not saying that's it but I doubt there will be anymore just don't have the enthusiasmn for it anymore.

bodamus :(

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #14 on: May 14, 2011, 10:03 PM »
in my opinion,if youve done 1 build,your hooked
sometimes its all consuming,other times you couldnt give a stuff,but the other build will always happen :daumenhoch:
negativity is for chumps,positivity is for champs

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #15 on: May 14, 2011, 10:12 PM »
There are so many builds I’d love to do in the future. Just don’t think I’ll be able to afford to do them. Started my first build (TA) nearly a year ago and can’t believe how the prices have shot up. Some things have nearly doubled. There’s only so much I can sell from back in the day to fund anymore.

Once I’ve finished my TA I’ve got my 83 Kuwahara to restore, which will be great fun. Replacing the lazerbars which I snapped will cost a small fortune and then there’s the number plate. How much are flo panels going for at the moment! Thank funk I’ve still got most of the original parts.

So that’s one to finish and one to restore.

There are at least 3 more I’d like to do, I’ll have to see what happens.

Just going to check my lottery ticket…

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2011, 10:45 PM »
Thing is for me there are not too many bikes that i fancy doing that i can afford.

I have nearly all the parts now for my childhood replica bike, a chrome Rickman freestyler which i dont think i can beat.

Also have a painted Rickman freestyler to do sometime.

Always fancied a GT performer or Mongoose motomag so maybe do the goose next :daumenhoch:

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2011, 11:03 PM »
I think I could go on forever, there are so many bikes that I want to build I just can't see me stopping any time soon. Parts are becoming harder to find but if you ask the right people you will get what you are looking for. Cash wise it depends on what you are prepared to pay though. I have got 6 on the go at the moment but when I see something I like I buy it and hope I'll use it on a future build, sometimes you suddenly find you have all the parts that would look great together but no frameset, that's the easy and (relatively) cheap bit though.


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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2011, 11:06 PM »
Im doing my last 2 now and they are nearly both finished  :),One of them is a new school frame and forks built up with an old school flavour and the other is a black and gold looptail PK Ripper which was my ultimate dream bike which i could never afford to buy back in the day.Over the last 12 years or so i have built vertualy every 1980s bike thats worth building, so these 2 builds are deffo 100% my last  :yahoo_silent:.

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #19 on: May 15, 2011, 02:54 AM »
Over the last year or so I have sourced a Haro RS1 and split to aid in funding my '87 Haro Team Master which I built to spec. I kept a set of black Tuffs which I put on to "save" my Gen 1 speedline Peregrines for sunday best and now use the Haro for cruising about on  :daumenhoch: I am 3 parts away from completing my DP GL build which are all in the post but its not built to spec. This will also be a rider but my main rider as it weighs half of what the Haro does  :2funny: I have sourced mainly minty used parts for the DP as finding NOS originals these days is virtually impossible (too many hoarders if you ask me  :2funny: ) The market is now flooded with re-pops and so called NOS with certain ripoffbay members regularly "managing to source NOS" and selling at over-inflated prices.  >:(

With all this mind, these are my last 2 builds and the only parts I will buy will be to keep as spares in case of breakages  :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: May 15, 2011, 03:06 AM by Londonhellboy »

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #20 on: May 15, 2011, 04:42 AM »
I think I've stopped building, the thrill of the chase isn't there anymore and satisfied the curiosity I had for many bikes. Still a few I'd like, but unless they land on my lap for reasonable money it won't happen.

I am slightly a hoarder, not in a selfish way, it was to get used.  continually bought stuff "just incase", I've always built in bulk over long periods. is up for grabs, it's just finding time. Be patient! Some nice bikes being split and all the bits I'll never use will go. It's not a treasure trove of rarities, don't get too excited!


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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #21 on: May 15, 2011, 06:30 AM »
Good question, life is all about dilemas...

I have just been offered a mint GJS Big Tube but to fund it i would have to flick my Changa, hard decisions.........................................but thats what this hobby is about, when time and funds permit you may stockpile, a bit like money in the bank, nothing you are emotionally attached too, but something you can move easily, BMX dollars if you wish......

Most of the high end/desirable pieces still get traded between members through quiter chanels, most of that stuff never hits open public forums or ebay but its still out there...................but to answer your question i have a few on my bucket list, and when funds permit i will be playing to build this Changa, or if i keep on drinking i may move it on for this BT.........  >:D  >:D  >:D



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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #22 on: May 15, 2011, 07:34 AM »
Not built owt for ages, got the 5 classics I remember from when I was a nipper hung up at work, & thats all I wanted really.


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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #23 on: May 15, 2011, 07:44 AM »

sold a few since last MK ( all my performers)  :shocked:  but been finding different bits and bobs since, got my ta back again for the 3rd or 4th time a few weeks ago. still buying stuff when it comes up when I am feeling positive about it all. I stop building I think but still want the parts and if something Nos comes up its getting bubble wrapped and put in the loft. next stop NOS hutch trickstar

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Re: How many builds left in you ?????
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2011, 08:30 AM »
How many times do people say , after this one I'm finished ,, no really ,,okay I just had to get this other one ,, but that's it honest

,, oh hang on a minute , I've just gotta gotta buy that  :D

Sound familiar  ::)

thought so  :LolLolLolLol:

I think it depends on the circumstances Mr H....

If you are giving up becuse you cant build another due to lack of room, finances, the wife nagging and you still have the love for it, you can easily be driven to build another if those circumstance change, then yes you're right....... BUT if you have built most of the bikes you have dreamed of owning/building and nothing else catches your eye then then it would be easy to stop building/collecting bmx's... I havent built a bike or bought any parts for ages, I've had the parts to build these last 2 for months but just couldnt be bothered.... nothing else is catching my eye and I think the cost to build a decent OS bmx is now verging on ridiculous... I've sold a few bikes and parts recently and some I vowed I'd never sell.... but money talks!

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