I am trying to find an old neighbour of mine. He used to live with his Mum and Dad in an old peoples complex (i presume they ran it and they were not residents) on an estate off the Ewell Road in Surbiton, Greater London and i think his namne was either Ian or Allen. He always had the best bikes and they included a Chrome GT Pro Nora Cup and later a Yellow Pro Performer before i moved away. He sat me on his bars once and went from the top of some garages near us all the way down at full speed, up a ramp we made which smashed into 3 peices and went bang into the side of some flats

nearly killed me but a great laugh. I think he was a bit older than me so i think would be about 37 - 40 ish now maybe. would be great to see if he is still into it and if not if he want to sell me his old bikes for next to nothing

Anyone know him?
PS, he was probably me hero because i had a crappy Super Burner which the gold was peeling off