So peeps,
As several of you suggested I would very quickly get hooked and move onto project number 2, which I can now reveal...............
[Drum roll]
I have managed to bag an absolutely fooking mint (and I really cannot stress that enough) Frameset.................
[More drum roll]
1980 Diamond Back Pro Large in Nickel Plating, recently re"chromed" in Nickel, (Koizumi serial number 0X1100 and, of course, a Baseball) with the curious dual dropout "Speedo" Forks.This is the bike I always looked at green with envy as a kid BMXer.

From what I have read during my research on here I got it for a steal!

Many thanks to Sparky over at for the site and answering my excited PMs!

[Cheers, screams, applause]
I will get some pics up asap, maybe even later tonight; this one is going to be a spoked up show-er, hopefully, and not a rider.

But for now I have a SuPeRnOoB question, please......

Exactly what is the orientation for fitting Chain Tensioners? Inside the frame, or outside?

Thanks for a prompt reply as my rider is currently in bits and it is sunny out!