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Author Topic: stupid prices for old school bikes and parts will they die with us?  (Read 2811 times)

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  • Curb Endo
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As we all know the prices for the original 1980s bmx items are going through the roof at the moment  :( but will the prices die with us lot aged between 35 and 45 when we retire from the hobbie,or will the younger generations want to build the original and history making old school bmx bikes or will the bikes and parts prices be worth bugger all when us lot stop collecting  :-\ what does every body else think about this.


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  • Berm Worm
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I think the prices are dropping through the floor.

gotta agree


  • Curb Endo
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i have noticed that black alloy hubbed skyways have dropped quite a lot from last years prices.

Offline meticulous

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i think the high end stuff will always be desirable and command a strong premium, the rest will just dwindle away...
R.I.P  O.M. Far short of the finish line...


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Look at xr fords,scalectrix,trainers etc etc etc people will always want stuff that makes them feel good. Well never be rich because of kids bikes but well never be left with piles of worthless chrome and alloy !

I feel sad !  :'(



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I think that in time 95% of the old stuff wont be desirable anymore.  People want to collect what was relevant to them in their lives.  When this generation has given up/moved on/grown too old/died then thats it.  Its relevant to them now but it wont be for the next generation.

So why do people still buy/restore/show Model T Fords, vintage WW1&2 aircraft, vintage motorcycles? Records? Why do people still pay top dollar for antique furniture, Art Deco china, works of art etc etc. They weren't around when it was being used, many were not even born!

Once something becomes collectible, it usually remains collectible as others start to appreciate it. Young riders of new school bikes now will grow up wanting examples of their hobbies heritage.


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Offline AKGOFF

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I think that in time 95% of the old stuff wont be desirable anymore.  People want to collect what was relevant to them in their lives.  When this generation has given up/moved on/grown too old/died then thats it.  Its relevant to them now but it wont be for the next generation.

So why do people still buy/restore/show Model T Fords, vintage WW1&2 aircraft, vintage motorcycles? Records? Why do people still pay top dollar for antique furniture, Art Deco china, works of art etc etc. They weren't around when it was being used, many were not even born!

Once something becomes collectible, it usually remains collectible as others start to appreciate it. Young riders of new school bikes now will grow up wanting examples of their hobbies heritage.

I definately agree with that

Offline CD17

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I think that in time 95% of the old stuff wont be desirable anymore.  People want to collect what was relevant to them in their lives.  When this generation has given up/moved on/grown too old/died then thats it.  Its relevant to them now but it wont be for the next generation.

So why do people still buy/restore/show Model T Fords, vintage WW1&2 aircraft, vintage motorcycles? Records? Why do people still pay top dollar for antique furniture, Art Deco china, works of art etc etc. They weren't around when it was being used, many were not even born!

Once something becomes collectible, it usually remains collectible as others start to appreciate it. Young riders of new school bikes now will grow up wanting examples of their hobbies heritage.

Spot on  8)

Offline RATTY

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It will survive, there will be highs and lows, but people will allways want to collect stuff, its in our nature to hoard. Magna 13 on here loves the OS, he can only be 15 now.
I loved the stuff my grandad collected, all naval related, from fookin ships battle flags to portholes, loved it all.
A long time ago, in a land far away!


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Cars,  motorcycles and records are enormously popular globally, old and new. 

And cycling isn't?  ???

People were buying and restoring classic bikes before bmx even started! I wasn't even born when Schwinn Stingrays came out in the 60's but I think they are the coolest bikes ever and Schwinns from the 40's & 50's are awesome.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 09:00 PM by retrogeezer »

Offline rick1970

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slightly off topic  :)  but how many of us now wish we had kept our first few cars under wraps till now? no bloody mortgage i know for sure  :'(

Offline 58 delray

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i've seen the prices of toy cars go up then down, the same with records, it will be the same with bmx, it's not like they are true antiques,
too many people are in this hobby just for a quick buck  :(


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I personally dont think BMX is.  Cycling is much bigger

Really??  It's an olympic sport now, surely that shows it's popularity?  Although so is curling!

Nearly every kid you see is on a bmx these days and not just in the uk. And you know old school is popular when the manufacturers are churning out repro stuff and retro bikes.

Offline popedante

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im gonna put all my pension into elina UL's , will be worth a fortune when i retire    :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:


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im gonna put all my pension into elina UL's , will be worth a fortune when i retire    :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

wise words  :daumenhoch:
good time to buy too as I reckon the price is 'on the bounce' now demand is beginning to soar again

Offline bobafett

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I think the prices are dropping through the floor.

Fookin LOL - yeah right  :2funny:

Yeah cos NOS Black 901 full sets are obviously £40 a set again and NOS MX1000's are £80  :)

Soon as the @rse falls out of it the better - I can buy more and pay less then  8)

But it ain't gonna happen any time soon.

mongoositis - an expensive disease......

paul bmx

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Only just got back into it all after a bit o time out and i was thinkin prices were kinda high,or is it cause im a tight git ;)


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The title of this thread reminds me of Munners.  He started a few threads worrying about whether the ar$e was going to fall out of the market

If you're into the hobby to make a quick buck then fluctuations in the price of stuff would be a big deal - if you love the bikes you have built/bought because of what they represent, does it really matter if their value drops at a later date.

I'm not saying they will as my crystal ball is out of order at the moment but I agree that the rare stuff will always command strong money.

As for the price of 901s - that is just stupid.  I had a few NOS sets of those and knocked them out for £40 a few years ago as I thought they were a bit rubbish compared to MX1000s etc.   :uglystupid2:

Offline meticulous

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see what you have started baz,  ;D

 you've made a few quid out of it anyhow.....   ;)
R.I.P  O.M. Far short of the finish line...


  • Curb Endo
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"ozone" i am not worrieing like Nick did if the arse falls out of it all together  i wouldnt give a fook, if ithe prices plumeted to the ground over night so what at least then we could enjoy this hobbie a lot better than being skint all the time trying to find the spare money to pay for it.i am just getting a bit ticked off with the greedy sellers and their over the top prices that have for some reason started to sore on EBay and inturn follows suit on forums etc and hits us all whilst we are building our next project or projects.Like "bobafet" has mentioned regarding the 901 brake sets  :wtf: is that all about shite for strong money, £45 pound a set last year which is a sensible price for a £15 brake set from bitd now all of a sudden they are £115 + and still riseing. And the so called NOS only been on a show bike  ::) MX1000 sets that where fetching £150 to £200 last year are now  all of a sudden £260  :idiot2:,  come on £260 for a £12 brake set from bitd  :uglystupid2: there isnt any less sets than there was last year or the year before so why the silly prices  >:( and this seems to be a growing trend with most other old school items as well,These greedy sellers and inflated prices are doing is killing the hobbie .Sorry rant over  :D   :rant:
« Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 11:01 AM by OLD SCHOOL RULES »


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Maybe the people that bought stuff cheap can sell it on to the community members for what they paid for it? That would be well cool. ;D

Biaggio made a lot of people benefit nicely out of the hobby. He is the man that created the rush.

yeah he is just doing everyone a huge favour  ;D you should consider a career as a spin doctor  :daumenhoch:
if someone sold me something cheap & I was selling it later on I'd be more than happy to sell it back to them for the same money if the price shot up - I have no desire to make money from this as I see it purely as a hobby rather than a business. this of course is very easy for me to say because

1) I have a job already
2) I only got back into this around 6 months ago and prices were already high
3) I'm not getting rid of anything  ;D

have no issue with others making a living from it or profiting from lucky finds, it's a free country & no point in selling something to someone just so they can make a buck instead of you  :idiot2:, but I simply choose not to buy from anyone that's clearly taking the piss. I've already experienced a lot of goodwill on here and one day hope I can give something back too, the sense of community on here is for me one of the things that sets Rad apart from the other forums I've seen  :smitten:


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 ;D doubt it somehow

£260? think I'll make do with the £10 bulldogs I put on my haro for now, luckily for my wallet am not too fussed about being era correct

Offline dordymush

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i gotta be honest i think them 901's are horrible. i'd sooner put a shimano tourney or a 1020 etc on a bike and a lot less the minute  ;D.
dave the bmxing gypo


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