Some of you old school wrinklies will remember Darren Bullock(Vector). I spoke to him today about the old days. He is still the same baby faced blonde bombshell we all knew and loved. I took the Vector round to show him and he loved it. He informed me that he has some old school goodies that he may want to sell

Top end bits and bobs. The sales will be done through Ebay if he decides to go ahead...this is a heads up to start saving

I looked up to Darren and Simon Bailey(ex Hutch/Falcon) when i was younger...they were 'The Factory Boys' as far as i was concerned. Fast and super smooth with bikes that had the very best of everything on them. He is a thoroughly nice guy(always was)... I tried coaxing him into racing a few meets this year. Hopefully i can drag him along to a meeting or two

..he gave me some old BMX Action mags...some from 1979... What a star

I gave him the RadBmx site address so hopefully he will join up and rekindle some old memories and contacts