Right - if you want to use dylon mp tins - there are a few colours
pargoda red - slight postbox red with a touch of fresh blood
scarlet - orangey red but rich like a robin red breast (no sniggering from the back please )
cherry flame - darker like a light red wine splashing around a glass with a touch of ox blood
the trouble is i have seen that skyway mags have a match of two mixed - pagoda red and scarlet
some of the older used mags have a mix of pagoda and cherry flame - this is years of the rich colour fading and dirt getting embedded into it
if you were to dye them just scarlet it would look to orangy - it need a mix of the two
so i would say pargoda red and scarlet dyed together should be a very close match to the original colour
this is just my findings and will be dying another set again soon that are old looking and need a freshen up
as for how to - find my dying threads
cheers B