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Author Topic: Haro Gen 1 re-issue  (Read 40417 times)

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Offline Rombloke

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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #250 on: April 23, 2007, 04:54 PM »
winstanleys are without a doubt the biggest buch of liars and rip-off merchants in bmx,

seems almost ironic that folk should be thinking of buying these flakes from them,

i dont want to get into it again about these bikes,it all got a bit silly last time,however i will say this,

anyone that is daft enough to buy one of these clearly has NO love for bmx and should be ashamed of themselves.

its a cynical marketing ploy aimed directly at YOU the old school bmxer.

just like a "greatest hits album" this firmly marks the end of the once great "haro bikes" company,

the big corporate fat-cat companies have no place in modern bmx,

we " the bmxers" control the industry now.

obviously not a lover of haro bikes since haro himself sold it on.

how many of these haros are being made, 250????

at what price....200 quid, .....thats 50k.

do you really think haro bikes are going to buy nuclear weapons and take over the world with

of course these bikes are aimed at us old schoolers....who else would buy one, mate, take a chill pill, most of the 30 plus ex freestylers/collectors on here will buy one, not because haro make the best bikes or that they are made in the usa, or any other reason, other than the fact that it is a haro freestyler...thats it pure and simple, i know i will prob buy one just for the fact of having one hanging next to my three originals.....from when haro hadnt sold its soul to bealsibub, and children wasnt starving in africa.
there is no getting away from the fact that this site is based mainly around collectors, and as such this re-issue bike has an appeal, as does the skyway ta 20'' and 24'' thats being relaunched.

so look at it like this guys, buy one, or dont, but if you do, beware, the world of bmx as we know it will instantly implode, everyone will catch aids, your nan will die, red squirells will become extinct,  and all the rider owned companys out there will go bankrupt overnight.



haro, how do you do


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #251 on: April 23, 2007, 05:01 PM »
obviously not a lover of haro bikes since haro himself sold it on.

how many of these haros are being made, 250????

at what price....200 quid, .....thats 50k.

do you really think haro bikes are going to buy nuclear weapons and take over the world with

of course these bikes are aimed at us old schoolers....who else would buy one, mate, take a chill pill, most of the 30 plus ex freestylers/collectors on here will buy one, not because haro make the best bikes or that they are made in the usa, or any other reason, other than the fact that it is a haro freestyler...thats it pure and simple, i know i will prob buy one just for the fact of having one hanging next to my three originals.....from when haro hadnt sold its soul to bealsibub, and children wasnt starving in africa.
there is no getting away from the fact that this site is based mainly around collectors, and as such this re-issue bike has an appeal, as does the skyway ta 20'' and 24'' thats being relaunched.

so look at it like this guys, buy one, or dont, but if you do, beware, the world of bmx as we know it will instantly implode, everyone will catch aids, your nan will die, red squirells will become extinct,  and all the rider owned companys out there will go bankrupt overnight.



Sorry nan, you had a good innings.  ;D

I'm getting one. Damn straight.  :daumenhoch:


Offline Stodgy

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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #252 on: April 23, 2007, 05:08 PM »

Groundhog Day.

Offline Rombloke

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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #253 on: April 23, 2007, 05:16 PM »
    ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::)  ::) ::)

haro, how do you do


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #254 on: April 23, 2007, 06:23 PM »
I wish it never began....!

anyway, work is moving along (slower than I would like) but its getting there. Dropouts have been redesigned to resemble the originals as have the front gusset. Looks a dead cert it will come with black tuffs also. More news when I get it as always. Hopefully it wont be too long before this filthy marketing ploy by the most eveil BMX compnay ever to grace the planet will be out & you'll all lose everything thats close to you just to own a few hundred quid bike which will make you like, "totally un-BMX"..... .. nayyyyy!!!!   :LolLolLolLol:


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #255 on: April 23, 2007, 07:15 PM »
i'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO not bmx.
i've read the new ride today.
now i know i am not.
dave mirra is "an arrogant twat"
any video that doesn't contain 100% drainpipe jeans street riders is rubbsih
and (although looking at haros made between 1993 and 2000 i have to say they lost the plot) haro bikes are the root of all evil and being able to order a pick'n'mix frame from the same taiwanese catalogue makes all these "new" rider-owned companies in charge of bmx..?? i say it makes some very well tooled factories in asia in charge of bmx..

as for gen1 re-issue.. what was the name of that bad hoffman video with acting in it?
see you friday dj, i'll bring the whisky and the towels for the fountains xxx


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #256 on: April 23, 2007, 07:28 PM »
Chris, that was great. I have totally NO idea what your talking about.
Nice one, a bit of spice to a mostly 2 sided, clear thread.


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #257 on: April 23, 2007, 07:36 PM »
alex.. every time i read ride i feel more and more out of it..   not out of bmx but out of what "today's bmx" is.  i will always always love bmx and have one and rideone (not as much as i would like) but a lot of the attitudes and styles of today leave me cold.
some 20 year old hucker with a four page interview slagging off mirra, damningly useless negative video reviews except for the ones made by their mates  (circle and soul get a binning because they're european, not english street style). 
maybe it is because i'm sat at home today and have too much time to think.  maybe because i'm 34.  maybe the internet breeds cynicism.   and maybe it's because i am not 20 and don't think like a 20 year old.
but i do love bmx.  and riding bikes.
and roll on the gen1 re-issue, but everyone should relax and stop holding their breath for it.  when it's here it's here and i think everyone who wants one will get one and those who don't won't.
 :Great_Britain: rule brittania!

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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #258 on: April 23, 2007, 09:40 PM » yourself a favour and don't buy Ride!  i won't after there attitude to the CIN cruise we did last year....called them up and was basically told by the editor that it's not what their readers are into.......then questioned if i'd even read his mag??  after telling him that his readers wouldn't have a mag if it wasn't for the OS bikes from BITD.  He just said he wasn't interested!

Fook em! 

For the record though.....If i had the spare cash and space, i'd buy one tomorrow!  :daumenhoch:


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #259 on: April 23, 2007, 10:09 PM »
pickle.. i write for ride!!  it doesn't mean i'm into what and how other people who write for it write..
mark noble the editor is as old school as they come btw, but he's sensible enough to know it's the kids who lap it up and buy the mag and buy from the advertisers..
i'm just plugging away trying to get a bit more flatland in it...  there's just some ignorant views spouted by others that 15 year old kids in girls' jeans can't get enough of!!


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #260 on: April 24, 2007, 10:06 AM »
note the "icon" section that's in ride. written by mark noble. mn has roots

ride is a great mag.

except for that plonker mcgoo wannabe that replies to the letters


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #261 on: April 24, 2007, 10:08 AM »
nail, on the head, hit, the.


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #262 on: April 24, 2007, 10:17 AM »
Who writes the letter replies for Ride?

Oh, shouldnt we have a new thread of "UK Ride"? I only came here to see when the Gen 1 replica's would be ready


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #263 on: April 24, 2007, 10:27 AM »
In the past I have had words with Mark Noble and without pointing fingers or getting into a load of old history, he is not a person that I respect or like.
Does anyone remeber the letter his dad sent to BMX ACTION BIKE in October 1986?
He may be top of the bmx magazines in europe at present but he is a poor editor, and IMHO has only been able to get where he has from xeroxing other formats and waiting for a new gen to finally accept his "originality" and his uneducated biased magazine.

Mark has a tendancy to tell people what in or hot .... and quite frankly his observations are bollocks

Offline pickle

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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #264 on: April 24, 2007, 10:44 AM »
Don't you hold back mate  ;)

So.....when's this Gen 1 out then?  :daumenhoch:


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #265 on: April 24, 2007, 10:51 AM »
YGT, you rule! I don’t read Ride enough to have a real opinion about it (I just look at the pictures), but I love a man who knows what he thinks and aint afraid to say it!

What was the letter in BMX Action bike? What issue number was it? If its below 50 I will have it and can scan it in.


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #266 on: April 24, 2007, 10:54 AM »

Maybe we should get back to the Haro now? ;)



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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #267 on: April 24, 2007, 10:58 AM »
Fast work macmark. Nice one. I guess I didnt read magazines back then either.

I bet Dean Rush was gutted that he couldnt ride in the next BMX Beat!


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #268 on: April 24, 2007, 11:01 AM »
Actually, I bet Dean had no idea what BMX Beat was for several days!


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #269 on: April 24, 2007, 11:26 AM »
this is so off topic it is fantastic.  and to be honest a damn sight more interesting than waiting for a gen1.
rhys mcfleece does the replies in ride.. and writes crap like "sheffield backyard should have had a flight of ten steps rather than a jump box because that's where it's at"  so we have a contest where most of the wood makes a run up to a set of steps do we??

that banning bit in ABMX was hilarious.

maybe i should stop talking about ride....


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #270 on: April 24, 2007, 11:37 AM »

that banning bit in ABMX was hilarious.

It reminds you why BMX went DIY, with people in charge like that. Im not sure how Mark Noble has ended up where he is now with that kind of backing (I dont know Mark at all so I cant make any fair comments about him).


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #271 on: April 24, 2007, 11:53 AM »
bloody hell alex you've got 10x more posts than me.
ain't that THE TRUTH..

anyone notice you definitely have two strands of thread (pardon the pun) on radbmx? 
this one has veered away from the hardware to the sociological history of bmx politics
BYKE  give me more opinions, i like them...   i would like mark noble to EDIT a little more on occasions  (for example allowing that mcfleece to utterly slag effraim catlow in an otherwise for once amusing article about NASS one year).  and some of the content of interviews is utterly not needed..


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #272 on: April 24, 2007, 11:54 AM »
should we be in mid-school?


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #273 on: April 24, 2007, 11:58 AM »
So will the Gen1 re-issue have 14mm drop out slots or 10?

Sorry, just trying to pull back in topic.


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Re: Haro Gen 1 re-issue
« Reply #274 on: April 24, 2007, 12:04 PM »
as i said 18 pages ago.. it should REALLY have the original master toptube length.. with a more modern short back-end.  and i know for certain at least ONE legendary old school rider would be all over it to actually ride flatland on. and that's the truth.
most will be in a garage so will it matter if it's 19" TT? 

come on, let's all go to vintage and hijack some threads there  (i know they have a sense of humour)

sorry. this is what 4 weeks off work without being able to drive or ride does to you..............  :police: :2gunsfiring_v1:

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