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Author Topic: Dieing Red Tuffs  (Read 2856 times)

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Dieing Red Tuffs
« on: January 28, 2011, 03:45 PM »
Has anyone done this and what Red Dylon or Rit Dye colour did you use? I have a set of alloy hubbed ones i'd like to get done next week so any help would be appreciated.

Matt  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Dieing Red Tuffs
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2011, 03:48 PM »

I think for Dylon it's scarlet red Matt - dunno about Rit mate  :-\

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Re: Dieing Red Tuffs
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2011, 04:06 PM »
pargoda red may be a better match but you could throw a scarlet in as well - cherry flame too dark unless you want to go more of a blood/ wine red

my old threads

some one asked me how to dye mags in a pm - i saved what i said and hopefully it may help you lot in some way

i used acorn mags for this but most old mags have nylon in them and so will dye well - becarfull some cheaper mags are plastic and i don't know if they will dye as well - guess you can only try  :wink:

 things you need before starting
1. a tub - that is big enough to fit two mags in but is not so big that it take to much water to fill and then it will dilute the dye to much (home base do one that you use to carry garden rubbish made out of flexible plastic)

2. salt - and loads of it - use 2x 750g - this can be bought from the super market of you choice - bags or tubs is ok but no low cal salt

3. dylon - can be bought from wooly's or robert dyas or place's that sell it  :lol: i use three for best results

4. a stick of some sort  :shock: to stir

they can be a bugger to open - careful as you need to get a shape knife and go under the lip - use some thing to catch it in if you spill/ knock it - trust me  :roll:  :lol:

the dylon is the Multi purpose one only - it has MP on the back - the cold water dye will not stick and will wash out or fade as it has no fixer in it - you can buy a fixer but have not tried that way yet so just stick to MP for the moment  :wink:

the water needs to be piping hot - the hotter the better - i tried kettles and boiling pans of water first but it takes time to boil it all up - best way so far I've found is to switch the hot water tank on for an hour and then you should have near scolding water (be very care full here  :shock: )

put some thing under the tub - an old blanket works here as long as it's even, so it won't fall over - this is to keep the heat in and to stop soaking the cold up from the floor

you will need to cover the top of the tub to keep the heat in as keeping it warmer for longer gives the best result - you can use a sheet of plastic with then a load of blankets to keep the heat in - i use a old double  material lilo as this is thick and keeps loads of heat in

put mags in tub then fill to 1 inch above them with boiling water take mags out (use a hook as you will boil hand  :shock: ) and add salt - stir well in till dissolved  - then add colour of you choice x 3 (lighter colours may need just 2) - stir in colour well - now add carefully mags - splashes will stain  :evil: now give a gentle stir around to mix it all up  :wink:

I check the mags every two hours and turn the over and change the bottom one to the top - this is to give an even colour all around - then cover up with what your using - try to cover all gaps and keep steam and heat in  :wink:

I leave it over night and in the morning check it - rich colour and all over a even finish  :wink: - wash off with cold water and careful where it drips as some colour will drip off and stain - then just dry with cloth or paper towel - you can just leave or rub polish over spokes - if you polish the lip/edge you brake may not grip  :wink:

hope this helps - any question or advice that can help just pm or post  :wink:

cheers B  :twisted:

I will post some pic's soon - wanted to get the mags out on the grass but it's raining at the moment

right the pictures are here

black has a faint tinge of red in it in sun light but is good
white is just bleached and has a creamish look - will never be snow white
blue is not bad - was my first time dying so could be brighter - next time
red is bright with a tinge of orange but good
yellow is great - nice and bright and a deep colour

so in my eyes 3 tins works the best for a bright deep solid colour - keep the heat in for as long as you can - stir and turn and rotate the wheels often as it make sure that both wheels get an even colour  :wink:

look what's been growing in the grass  :lol:

the gorden ramsay way of dying wheels [/size]

take 1 set of OGK's - slightly faded


pick out any dirty bits missed

scrape off any brake marks


hot water



put in and leave for 24 hours - turning and stiring every so often


take out and wash in cold water - then dry

now ready to serve - i mean ride -[size=18] DONE [/size]

cheers B[/size]

cheers B
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Re: Dieing Red Tuffs
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2011, 04:23 PM »
nice work!  :daumenhoch:


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Re: Dieing Red Tuffs
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2011, 05:39 PM »
Those Acorn mags look great with the hubs polished.  Good effort.  :daumenhoch:

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Re: Dieing Red Tuffs
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2011, 05:56 PM »
Red Tuffs    :smitten:  second only to blue ,  :daumenhoch:,    have skyway done the reissue one's in red?   proper ones not the utility ones,  got a set of new tuffs in white and fancied having a bash at dying em, 

Offline Swivel

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Re: Dieing Red Tuffs
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2011, 10:10 PM »
Yeah these are the last thing I need to do to complete my 84 master in red and white, so thanks for the tips guys, especially B love ya mate  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


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Re: Dieing Red Tuffs
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2011, 11:17 AM »
LOVE IS .... a pint in London  ;D
The Devil is away on business, I'm having to step in for him - How can I make your day Hell !!!

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