I shall start by saying thanks to everyone on here for their messages of support since losing my bikes recently, Truly astonishing and very welcome.
Right then, as well as support, I have been offered, and accepted some bits and pieces to get me riding again.
I met up with Dingobmxer at Western park last Saturday, and he gave me this

Its a 2004 GT bump, trimoly frame, really quite light, and with a 20.5" top tube, very usable. So I got busy, and along with a pair of spare wheels from James (Voivod) a few bits I'd got and a few new purchases, it has turned into this...

I am expecting comments about the white walls, but I have always had a pair on a bike since year dot.
The photo's dont do the colour justice, it is a cadbury purple candy clear, over the bare metal, looks stunning close up.
Gonna be riding this at Creation and Leicester, might change the pedals though!
Once again, thanks all, especially Dingo and James!
