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mongoose cheapy midschool banger - new pics on p3
« on: January 16, 2011, 08:55 PM »
...well actually it was mr munnyella who kindly alerted me to this collection of bits on ebay  :daumenhoch:
got it for under £30 thanks to that goofbay sniper tool :daumenhoch:

this one's a seriously low budget project - that way I won't feel bad if it gets a bit scuffed up while I'm learning how to fall off properly

so just as I'm approaching the end of my first build it looks as though the process is starting all over again (is this how it starts...?)
if anyone has any info on these please let me know


« Last Edit: March 06, 2011, 03:55 PM by griff »

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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2011, 08:59 PM »
You won't be to bothered about scuffing that one up :4_17_5:
« Last Edit: January 16, 2011, 09:38 PM by ED209º »


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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2011, 09:01 PM »
feel free to give it a chuck about once it's built brett - only fair eh?

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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2011, 09:04 PM »
feel free to give it a chuck about once it's built brett - only fair eh?

Fairs fair I want to fall of your master :LolLolLolLol: Griff


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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2011, 09:10 PM »
feel free to give it a chuck about once it's built brett - only fair eh?

Fairs fair I want to fall of your master :LolLolLolLol: Griff

sorry - my mom says no-one else is allowed to play on it  ;D

maybe when she's not watching !

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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2011, 09:33 PM »
feel free to give it a chuck about once it's built brett - only fair eh?

Fairs fair I want to fall of your master :LolLolLolLol: Griff

knew you'd not live that one down Griff  :police:
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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2011, 09:43 PM »
Griff... spray it yourself - very satisfying

got some bits that need a home if you want 'em.

- GT Vertigo wheels
- various grips
- mongoose mid school seat
- black GT tyres

yours if you want  :daumenhoch:

"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas

WANTED : Victor DX 9/16 spindle or pedal


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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2011, 01:55 PM »
Griff... spray it yourself - very satisfying

got some bits that need a home if you want 'em.

- GT Vertigo wheels
- various grips
- mongoose mid school seat
- black GT tyres

yours if you want  :daumenhoch:


Ed that's very kind of you, thanks  :daumenhoch:
I was already offered some bits by Mark but will pick up my new collection of tat soon and assess what condition things are in! (have a feeling it might be in a bit of a state but fingers crossed)

btw was lying awake last night thinking about paint colours thanks to your post - was just going to leave it rough and abuse it but might have a go at some can rattling now - been a long time since I touched a can of paint (that's going to bring back nearly as many memories as riding a bmx  ;D)




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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2011, 04:09 PM »
 :) Ignore the Pro bit-it was just something Mongoose had on all their bikes & means nothing.Looks to be an Importan,Rubens sig bike before moving to Macneil/T1.


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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2011, 11:33 PM »
:) Ignore the Pro bit-it was just something Mongoose had on all their bikes & means nothing.Looks to be an Importan,Rubens sig bike before moving to Macneil/T1.

Well done James - that's spot on!  :4_17_5:

That's definitely the one, shame it's got such a crap name (importan? sounds like impotent ffs ::) )

Anyway I did the trip to Surrey tonight after work to pick it up and on first impressions I think it's been worth the 27 quid I paid...
Since it was dark and absolutely pissing down I haven't really checked it over yet, there's a few rusty scuffs on it & it's a bit shabby but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. the rear wheel at least doesn't appear to be buckled at all and spins quite freely, dunno about the front. The saddle and grips are fooked tho  :D
When I got back it was still pissing down so have just bundled it all into the shed for now, will get a better look at it soon but will probably be the weekend before I can start on it - I'll post up some 'before' pics once I can see it in the daylight

One thing I can say about it - it's pretty heavy! although it does look like it would take a good beating  :knuppel2:



Offline Munnyella

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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2011, 07:55 AM »
One thing I can say about it - it's pretty heavy! although it does look like it would take a good beating 

You'll want it heavy Griff, otherwise you'll be floating around the stratosphere like that fella on the vert Saturday night, heaven forbid!!!
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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2011, 12:11 PM »
One thing I can say about it - it's pretty heavy! although it does look like it would take a good beating 

You'll want it heavy Griff, otherwise you'll be floating around the stratosphere like that fella on the vert Saturday night, heaven forbid!!!

you want it heavy to drop it on Marks foot when he arrives at Creation  8)
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas

WANTED : Victor DX 9/16 spindle or pedal

Offline ED209

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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2011, 12:15 PM »

got a mongoose seat and some old grips - save your money for the Haro  8)

Got some pegs as well.

James VOIVOD gave me loads of bits when I first got on here and I am but a humble Padawan 'Giver' to his 'Master' status..  :angel:

:) Ignore the Pro bit-it was just something Mongoose had on all their bikes & means nothing.Looks to be an Importan,Rubens sig bike before moving to Macneil/T1.

Well done James - that's spot on!  :4_17_5:

That's definitely the one, shame it's got such a crap name (importan? sounds like impotent ffs ::) )

Anyway I did the trip to Surrey tonight after work to pick it up and on first impressions I think it's been worth the 27 quid I paid...
Since it was dark and absolutely pissing down I haven't really checked it over yet, there's a few rusty scuffs on it & it's a bit shabby but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. the rear wheel at least doesn't appear to be buckled at all and spins quite freely, dunno about the front. The saddle and grips are fooked tho  :D
When I got back it was still pissing down so have just bundled it all into the shed for now, will get a better look at it soon but will probably be the weekend before I can start on it - I'll post up some 'before' pics once I can see it in the daylight

One thing I can say about it - it's pretty heavy! although it does look like it would take a good beating  :knuppel2:



"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas

WANTED : Victor DX 9/16 spindle or pedal


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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2011, 08:35 PM »

you want it heavy to drop it on Marks foot when he arrives at Creation  8)
;D I'm sure Mark is already thinking of his next excuse!

Seriously thanks to the pair of you for helping me with my super-budget banger  :daumenhoch:
have been considering painting etc, but for now might just clean it up, reassemble and try it for size and see if it's worth tarting up after I know whether it rides ok

expect the usual noob questions when i try and find out how the fook the gyro works

Offline Munnyella

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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2011, 08:40 PM »

Loose the gyro, on this bike, you aint gonna spin the bars more than once.

They add weight, complicate stuff, cost more in cables, and more negative stuff that I can't be bothered to invent!

Never had one on a bike i've built, hence having a box full in the shed, never needed one either.

Get some photo's up anyway.

Hard + Stylish = Chicks + Beer!!!


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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #15 on: January 18, 2011, 09:05 PM »

Loose the gyro, on this bike, you aint gonna spin the bars more than once.

They add weight, complicate stuff, cost more in cables, and more negative stuff that I can't be bothered to invent!

Never had one on a bike i've built, hence having a box full in the shed, never needed one either.

Get some photo's up anyway.


will take some pics at the weekend when I can get to it in daylight hours and it's not (I hope) still pissing with rain
from what I can tell gyro seems to be working fine and tbh I'm dying to try it out - I dreamed of being able to spin my bars freely BITD without the caliper clanging on the frame  :D
and buying new standard cables would run to about a third of the cost of the complete bike  :LolLolLolLol:
take your point about weight on board tho as it is a bit of a tank .....


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Re: I was looking for a bike and then I found a bike....
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2011, 04:40 PM »
been down to the shed today, spent the last couple of hours breaking up the bike and cleaning

here's how it looked when I took it out..

back wheel is ok, appears to be diff from original (says alex?) spins nice

front wheel looks ok, but just about turns (feels like it's got chalk instead of bearings)

some of the bits were a real pig to unseize, managed to get nearly all of em off but there was no fookin way the pedals were coming off
need to find a bigger spanner to get the headset locknut off - 36mm? also the crank spindle bolts look like they take a very large allen key

all in all am pretty pleased with it for 27 quid - frame's not too bad, few rusty spots here and there but should clean up ok - I like the look of it (it's a chunky bastard  ;D)

won't need to get too many more bits to complete - got some stuff coming soon from Ed (thanks mate :daumenhoch:) going to put the chrome gt copy bars on it from my haro (as that's getting proper master ones), set of brake cables and maybe a chain (was a bit rusty but already looking better after a good spray of WD)

now should I paint it.....? actually enjoyed cleaning crap off it for 2 hours in the freezing cold, so think a bit of painting may be in order if I can get the bloody crank off :daumenhoch:
reckon baby blue would look nice on those fat tubes  :smitten:

if anyone wants a free mongoose front wheel with fooked bearings or a set of not-very-high bars with rusty marks on them let me know before I send them to the tip  :daumenhoch:


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looks cool to me mate - should be a good solid rider... ;)

Offline ED209

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still wrapped up in the back of my car  :knuppel2:

will send em tomorrow dude...  :angel:
"Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas

WANTED : Victor DX 9/16 spindle or pedal


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looks cool to me mate - should be a good solid rider... ;)

cheers Sid - might even try the oven pride on the pedals/levers/sprocket (know how to tell if they're paint or anno?)

still wrapped up in the back of my car  :knuppel2:

will send em tomorrow dude...  :angel:

Ed no rush mate - just sent you a PM btw  :daumenhoch:


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always try paint stripper first, it's cheaper...  :D  ;)


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managed to get a bit further today before the rain started - bought a big adjustable spanner and the right sized allen key for the spindle bolts
so got the crank arms off and the stem/gyro, as well as scraping off all the bits of decals that were left on it

also got the bearings out of the front wheel hub - they look ok so maybe the lack of spinning was down to manky grease? will try degreasing/regreasing and see how that goes.

headset still in but thinking of leaving that as it spins ok - even if I paint it could probably mask it over (bodge I know but not sure how to fetch it off)
BB is a bit crunchy though so tried to undo the nuts on the non-sprocket side (image below)
even with a spanner the size of a murder weapon I couldn't get the outside nut loose, manged to round off one of the corners of nut very slightly though so have left it alone before seeking guidance.
anyone know if these screw off the 'wrong way'? looking for any advice on how to get this spinning again (can I regrease or will I need another one?) either way it's got to come out one way or another  :knuppel2:

any advice welcome  :daumenhoch:

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Re: need some advice on my BB now (page 2 update)
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2011, 08:50 PM »
try undoing it the "wrong way" as you put it mate, bb locking nuts are normaly left hand thread, the cone will be the same  :daumenhoch:


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Re: need some advice on my BB now (page 2 update)
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2011, 09:12 PM »
try undoing it the "wrong way" as you put it mate, bb locking nuts are normaly left hand thread, the cone will be the same  :daumenhoch:

thanks mate - might give it a spray first though as it didn't want to budge in any direction earlier  ::)

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Re: need some advice on my BB now (page 2 update)
« Reply #24 on: February 05, 2011, 09:19 PM »
it will be locked agaist the bearing cone, so you will need to hold  that with a thin spanner the undo the lock nut  :daumenhoch:

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