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Author Topic: trying to do the right thing  (Read 1935 times)

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trying to do the right thing
« on: January 10, 2011, 12:02 AM »
Want some opinions guys, currently building an 85 skyway streetbeat and would like to do it in the best taste with quality parts from the correct era, but..... I am caught between a number of very hard rocks and lots of hard places, hence this post. I would actualy like to dry weather ride the bike as i couldnt have one when i was a kid, which i know will piss a whole lot of people off as it will "ruin" the bike. this also poses another problem, as blasting money NOS 3pc cranks is what i would like to do, i also know this is a waste. As is on NOS brakes, stem, seat clamps ect. My point is i have pride in what i am doing but would also like people to appreciate what i do to the bike.  What are peoples opinions of me fitting refurbished parts to the bike and then in the future retiring the bike and then throwing money at it via NOS gear.
im talking about fitting things like a SR head set that i paint white, an old faded stem clamp that i repaint white, things along these lines. dont get me wrong i have bought new gear for the bike and have spent hours scouring the "bay" for good parts.
Point in case is i have been pondering about cranks. do i get a faded or marked old 3pc and refurb/paint white, or go for a decent single piece now and have done with it? i have all the equipment to refurb the parts i buy as i have a bodyshop, but to be honest i dont want to go to those lenghts ifwhen  i post pics on here you lot just rip strips off me lol.
see, my heads in the bin lol. i want it to look right but without wrecking the bike.
opinions pleeeeease



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Re: trying to do the right thing
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2011, 12:29 AM »
Sounds like a fun build  8)
Sack it off and spend yer cash on Helium   :P
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 12:32 AM by sweetbeats™ »

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Re: trying to do the right thing
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2011, 12:40 AM »
will gets some pics together and get em up, as for riding, i will be like that old guy in the lost boys who just starts his classic car then turns the bugger off lol. it certainly wont be getting abused
list of parts so far

NOS 85 Skyway streetbeat frame
NOS EZ 1 bars
Skyway streetbeat forks
Faded mx seat clamp average condition
NOS dia compe geen white brake levers
Dia compe brakes (shite ones)
SR Stem good condition
NOS White trik top seat
Sugino 170 crank
sugino chain ring
sugino chain ring spider
haro old school pedals
tange head set
skyway tuff II/older skyway unidentified

thats what i have upto now.

Offline Munnyella

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Re: trying to do the right thing
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2011, 08:00 AM »
I wouldn't worry, but i'd possibly swap out the cranks for something chromo, (stronger) modern redline flights seem acceptable on a rider and are not mental money.

My opinion anyway, but its your money, do what you want, and don't worry what us on here think!!!

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Re: trying to do the right thing
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2011, 09:51 AM »
it's your bike and your money, so build it how you like with what you like and ride it/dont ride it howyou like.
don't worry about what people think too much as some will say it shouldn't be ridden and others will say use it for what it was designed for, but its your's so do what makes you happy  :daumenhoch:

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Re: trying to do the right thing
« Reply #5 on: January 10, 2011, 09:57 AM »
it's your bike and your money, so build it how you like with what you like and ride it/dont ride it howyou like.
don't worry about what people think too much as some will say it shouldn't be ridden and others will say use it for what it was designed for, but its your's so do what makes you happy  :daumenhoch:

agreed  ::)

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Re: trying to do the right thing
« Reply #6 on: January 10, 2011, 10:32 AM »
Take your time with it and the right bits you want will eventually come along.  I would us redline twin pinch cranks on a rider as they are better engineered than the 80's version Ie they dont come loose  :daumenhoch:


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Re: trying to do the right thing
« Reply #7 on: January 10, 2011, 01:05 PM »
Two months ago I was in a similar position about what to do with my DP Freestyler: see'topic=118881.0 

 I wanted it reasonably era-correct, but I also wanted a decent rider.  Now, two months on I have it finished, and a large part of the fun came from refurbishing the bits I found.  Because I painted and refurb'd everything myself, and because there are no NOS parts on it, I really don't mind falling off.  If I scratch something - then so what? I painted it in the first place and I can do it again should I ever feel the need.  However, once a brand new piece of kit is scratched  - it will never be brand new again, and if you snap something rare and NOS it suddenly becomes very hard and expensive to replace. 

So, I would say that if you're gonna ride it, don't use NOS parts or you'll forever worry about falling off (and, therefore, will).  Go era-specific by all means, but unless it's going to be a show bike, the extra premium for NOS parts over second hand doesn't seem to make sense to me, and they're harder to source (especially in the right colour). There's far more second hand stuff out there, and it doesn't matter what colour it is if you're going to paint it anyway.  Also, if you're going to ride it, embrace modern technology for things like brake pads and cables; these are generations better that the stuff we had BITD and will add to the experience without looking too much out of place.

If I could afford to, I'd build a show bike too, but I can't afford both. For me, the need to ride the thing is greater than the desire to stare at it!  Whatever you do, enjoy the process, but I'd say you need to make your mind up what you want before you start - know where you're heading before you take a step ...


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Re: trying to do the right thing
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2011, 06:16 PM »
awesome input from you lot cheers. seeing what some of you have advised i.e, the more modern crank and also the fact i am going to have to paint a lot of the parts to make it look right, has just made me go for whatever will suit the bike but also parts that will make it more enjoyable for me. thanks for your comments guys.
Just in the process of bleaching some old skyway mags, i will post up the results.

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Re: trying to do the right thing
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2011, 06:45 PM »
by the way, while im here and you mentioned more modern crank, how modern can i go and is there anything that i shouldnt get that wont fit? got to remember i was but a teenie tiny boy when i had a bmx and didnt really pay any attention to size of bb ect

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Re: trying to do the right thing
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2011, 07:33 PM »
There is only ONE modern crank to use, redline Flite twin pinch, £60-80 ish

its your bike so build it and ride the snot out of it  :daumenhoch: otherwise its an expensive ornament


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Re: trying to do the right thing
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2011, 09:33 PM »
Ow do mate ,sounds lke a sweet build on the go ,as a rider get it together and ride ,and get some pics up asap,
dont worry about cranks nothing wrong with a 1p sugino i prefer them for abuse,profiles will come in time .as for feedback you may pleasently surprised :daumenhoch:

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