Believe it or not this bike came from the Dump ?
I was looking inside the metal bins at a dump where i saw a shinny frame inside - started to pull it out and saw some other parts there - frame - forks - bars - stem - crank - seat-post and clamp - BB set ~ all these parts there and all NOS ? not a single nut had been tightened or a mark made ?
So i started to pull it all out, now at this point a should have said it's not a site that sells items ? any thing i find is a backhand to the guys and straight into the back of the boot
Got all the parts out and i suddenly here a voice that really don't need to !
It's a man that i haven't meet before and really don't want to - it's the area manager and he make Hitler looks like a girl guide selling cookies
So he asks me what i'm doing ? I have to act dumb at this point (yer i know i don't have to act hard !) and say "just looking" and with that he says " WELL CLEAR OFF NOW"
So out i go and wait near by for a hour
I get back in there after i see him go and start pulling back out all the parts that were thrown back in the big metal bin
I manage to get all bit bar the crank ! and now it's closing time, so off home i go
But the next morning i'm back there early and back in the big metal bin looking for that missing parts that i know is there - and half an hour later i find - job done
So i speak to Lester who works there and ask him how much for the parts i pulled out - frame, forks, bars, stem, seat post and clamp, BB set and crank ?
£4 ? he says
er yer that will be fine"" i say
£4 will be a bloody bargain i'm thinking
So it's been a couple of years of the frame near built up hanging on the wall - i hadn't got round to doing any thing with it as i wanted to take my time and was in no rush - nice bit of art hanging there
Forward to this last Christmas and the London x-mas run - I started getting bits ready for it and polishing all parts that needed it. All that was needed was the brakes to be sorted - now brakes are not my best thing and for some reason they were not working for me - so over to Chris's place (wish i kept my TA home ) for a bit of learning and hopefully he can work out what the hell is going on
Well the brake calipers were not working at all for some unknown reason - there were changed for a couple of calipers he had - and within a minutes he had the new sets dialed up and all working - so a big thanks to Chris and his very sexy Haro - many thanks mate
The x-mas run was canceled and the bike hadn't even been out for a test ride
So at the same time of resto'ing Donuts MT RACING SILVERFOX i was polishing bits for this bike and getting it ready - now i have tested it out (only an hour so far) and it feels real nice - a sweet dailed cruzer style with shine and pimp - ready for when the sun shows it's self and shines on my custom GT 01
here are the pic's