Hi All, almost complete is my Mongoose Cali that I aquired from Spen at MK10 after swapping it for my Supergoose
that had seen better days.
It came off Spen just frame only so have spent the last few months trying to source the correct parts. I have a couple of bits that I need to aquire
for me to be totally happy with it ie. correct bars, Comp 3 Tyres and stem.
It's my 2nd complete build to date.
This is the BMX I always wanted for xmas.....and came down a couple of xmas mornings hoping it would be there......but it never was. (Money was tight back then
for M+D).
A few people I need to thank are Spen, Bobafett, JimmyP, Macmania, SteveP and of course Meticulous.....maybe more, so thanks if I missed you out.

Parts List rundown:
84 Mongoose Californian and correct Forks. New Decals applied.
Black Alloy hubbed Skyways (Very Badly listed on the bay.....£50 with tyres!!)
NOS SR Pedals
Rechromed Mongoose OPC
Repop Mongoose grips from BMX Products.
MX Copy Clamp
Viscount Aero Seat
Renthal Seat Post
NOS Mongoose pads (Thanks Steve!)
Pro Class Power Plate
Original Stamped Mongoose BB
Original Stamped Mongoose Headset
Original Lee Chi Calipers and Levers....new hardware fitted.
Thanks for looking, will get some better / more pics up when the camera is charged again!!! Steve