Finally have some time on my hands so I decided to get some picture posts up


Everytime I rode this heap a junk
my best mates wife told their new born baby:
"See that bike, that'll be yours one day"
So I decided to give it a little make-over and give it as a present.
I went with a team meets reggae theme.
As the kid's name is Zion.
And took an opportunity to explore and get some none factory spec goods on there.
First the paint job:

Then first goods found: new Oury grips. just $10 incl. shipping from ebay... what a find

Then the first time I bought some porkchops chaindiscs..
Really Top notch stuff. Really eye candy when they arrived.

A picture of what was there so far:

Then the decals arrived
plus took some "old" white skyways to use
with some white wall kenda's.

Next up found a Green Kashimax RS
Like it a lot.
Also put a sticker of my own on it

This had been truely the most fun build ever!
Still some way to go but here's already what I got:

Unfortunatly I'm not going to use the DC 883's (Taiwan reissue).
the front brake is oblivious for this bike.
So I'm still looking for a black DC 1020 set or maybe even the Raleigh Foreign's then...