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Is his name Stodgy?
hahaha, some were bang on the money there lol. I dont dispute that NOS is getting thin on the ground but what he fails to realise is that giving 5 mins of your time to somebody who obviously has an interest in bmx's aint gonna hurt when it comes to repeat custom. Yes he may only have chain rings left lol, but i was also eyeing up one of his new shitters for the purpose of chucking round a forest with the kids. But i'd rather give my money to the pie shop round the corner now!I dont for 1 min think that old school is dead or ever will be, as with cars the classics always exist and are always in demand. but due to his epically shite attitude he not only lost out on selling me a chain ring and some inner tubes , i turned and walked away from a £300+ new skool pretend bmx and vowed never to enter the pie eaters emporium again. oh and yes it was alans.
Not really on topic but just reminded me about something I wanted to put out there to try and get your heads around We've got vintage, old school, mid, and new right? But when new (as we know it) becomes older, what do you reckon it will be called? And what will the new 'new' be called?
Has old school had its day?