a few weeks back i won a set of star bars on the bay,dirt cheap too for star bars,there was a thread on here about 'who won the star bars' and it was mentioned that they looked bent in the picture on ebay,to be honest i hadnt even noticed it and after it was mentioned i was hoping that it was just the camera angle making them look fooked,well sure enough when they arrived they were mullered.one side of the bars on the grip area was bent down by a good inch or more,bent slightly back too and also squished on the bend as well.i contacted the seller who to be fair offered me a full refund , so i packed them up to be shipped back to switzerland,however at the same time animal happened to be straightening a rim out for me which was well fooked too so i mentioned the bars to him,he said send me a pic,next thing i know they are on their way to him!!!
here they are as i got them,check out the left side as you look

and after steves amazing resto

heres the squished bit on the bend before steves handy work

and after

another awesome resto by animal