I haven't got a whole lot of time to add pics and write much, I need to get the kids up and off to school.
About 30 showed up to ride, the threat of rain kept quite a few from making the drive from out of town. The rain held off, the sun came out and we had a great session. I spent the first 40 minutes pumping water out of the pool and drying it up so we could session it later. Everything was going so well until Voelker had the bright idea of a group shot of most of the riders with me trying to air over them

There were actually a few good shots of it but it was the "one more air" that almost killed me. I had to eject or risk hanging up my front wheel, that is a long way to fall on concrete.

more pics here, I grabbed a few shots from Alvin Mullins photobucket to.
http://s47.photobucket.com/albums/f199/ashohara/43rd%20b-day%202010/#!cpZZ1QQtppZZ20and heres a link to Alvins pics
http://s203.photobucket.com/albums/aa306/c21alvin/Andy%20Shohara%20BD%20Jam%2010/it was a good day