from my own experience dont bother talking to other councils.
find the nearest club near you and talk to them , talk to the likes of dirtworks on here they are called hudu and flemdog.
also think carefully about what your doing get as many local councilors behind you as possible before you make any firm statements in the press.
18 months ago i and a few friends did exactly what you are doing we even got 330k of funding from sport england........... then we got shafted at council by 1 vote , 1 councilor pulled the plug because he couldnt understand why we didnt want to make money and felt the project was unsustainable given the fact he saw a track over grown and not used near man city football ground......... guess what that track was a temp 1 built for training for the olympics in 08

remember this most councilors are retired or failed business people and if it doesnt enhance their lives or their friends they are not interested the councilor that shafted us in the end realized he had made a mistake and even admitted he didnt even read the report by thyis time it was to late and the whole project failed.
sell it to the local councilors first the rest will gather pace .
good luck