Hahaha so funny to read this... lots of controversy still surrounds the trike... very amusing

SO yeah me and my mate ramraid (
www.benwilsondesign.co.uk) made the trike in the early 2000s I think from a 70's potato carrying trike, 3 motomags, some laser cut steel, lowrider headset parts and a stereo system. Since then it has accompanied me to every bug jam, a few skateparks including round Europe in a tour van, MK every summer and more recently X-factor thanks to Stodgy! This is it back in the day when I had hair!...

... and how it was customised for the mighty X factor (removed subwoofer, made a platform for Cher Lloyd, painted it black and cleaned it for the first time in a few years!)

So yeah a few years back at MK I annoyed a few non party people by getting boozy with the crew and riding round all night (normal practice). Over recent years and having become a responsible parent I have tried to minimise disruption by riding under the bridge and parking up there (bass sounds amazing). This year for the first time I went round the lake which was a wicked burn, ended up getting really drunk as usual and lost the trike! Luckily a few people further up this thread were looking after it for me and when tents were unzipped I found it again. What a dirty stop out! Anyway the trike is fun to ride and people like it including me. This is the internet, so its funny to see all these strong opinions (which of course you're entitled to) in real life most people like it, its just a bike after all

Anyway like rakas said we had a great day out, saw an incredible amount of unbelievable fit birds (not that we go out with munters ourselves!) and it was a great show to watch. Another chapter written in the trike's chequered history. See for yourself!