Name. Paul
Age. 29 (1981)
Occupation. Sign maker
Hobbies. slamming aircooled vw's, tattoos, skateboarding, chilling with my wife & son
The story.....
Ive always wanted a freestyle bmx ever since about 1986-7 when two brothers had all white gt performers (im pretty sure thats what they had) im my close, my parents didnt have enough money to buy my one back then so i kinda just forgot about owning one
i had a few second hand bmx's in the early 90's, had a mk2 burner then a diamond back and then a steve wilson
then when i started to get pocket money i got into skateboarding over bmx'ing (don't shoot me)
Now my bodies too old and tired to throw myself down stairs so im building a bmx to get some exercise and to ride around all of the vw shows i go to
I always had a very vivid image of those two kids bmx's considering I was about 5-6! I just remember seeing two matching white bikes riding past me, the bikes were completely white, they had all the extra bolt on stunt parts too
So i've decided to build a bike that looks similar to what those two brothers had back in the day but on a budget (maybe one day i'll build an actual gt performer)
I bought a tired but nearly complete Redline rl-240 off a guy i know in the vw scene for £40
did a deal with a guy at work for mywheels & brakes & he powdercoated nearly everything on the bike white
I bought some more white parts off ebay
Just need tyres, brakes and a few small bits to finish it
Going to put some older style Redline decals on it too
Its not up to the same build standard of all of you guys but im building it to use & abuse it

will get some better quality photos once its comlete
Let me know what you think