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Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« on: November 14, 2010, 05:49 PM »
Hi to all here on Radbmx.

I am from Ireland and was lucky to count myself as a BMXer from the golden period in the mid-eighties. I had a chrome Motobecane with blue seven-spoke mag wheels. It cost £150 and served me well before I sold it for a lightweight racer and got into cycle racing. I was into freestyle and basically was into doing flatland stuff (or at least I like to think I was) as well as doing the usual jumps off make-shift ramps. There was never any quarter pipe available so I never got to ride a vert ramp.

I have re-discovered all the old stuff on the net about classic BMX and I'm assessing the possibility of maybe acquiring my dream machine; An original Haro Master from either 84 or 85. Obviously, there is only a finite number of original frames around now so it isn't going to be cheap to buy an original. The modern reproductions apparently aren't built to the same standard as the original frames and that makes the originals the most desirable. I had a look on ebay and there are some frames available, although most are only shipping to the USA. There is one hacked green Freestyler going cheap at the moment that might be a start for a restoration project but it would need a re-spray and new decals. Are there any engineering companies that can repair a frame that might not be straight and any companies that can be recommended to do a good re-spray?

Another option is to buy a complete bike. There is also one available at the moment that I might be able to attempt to buy. It ain't cheap at €900 and it has the following spec;

Frame & Fork: Haro Master 413 Chromoly plus rare Fork Stuntpegs
Handlebar: Haro Fusion with Blue Old School Ame Grips
Stem: Durabull Old School Stem
Seatpost: Renthal Layback Seatpost
Seatclamp: Tange Blue Old School
Saddle: Peregrine White Old School Saddle
Pedals: MKS Blue Footjaw Pedals
Brakeset: Dia-Compe MX Old School Blue Brakeset with 2 Finger Levers
Chain: Sugino Blue Chain
Crankset: Sugino GT 3 piece Crank (Blue).
Wheels: Skyway Tuff 2 White Wheels and Brakepads
Tyres: Haro Neon Green Freestyle Tyres

Is this bike worth the asking price?

It seems to be in good shape and is the easier option than restoring an old frame and trawling the web for parts. Is the purchase of a full bike the preferred option to doing a restoration project and which option is generally the cheapest and easiest route? I would guess the restoration option is the cheapest but the complete bike is very appealing. Any advice that anyone can offer in relation to the options out there would be gratefully received. Thanks.


Offline rollin72

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2010, 06:51 PM »
personally i wouldnt buy a full bike(which may be the cheaper option) the best part is buying and restoring parts and then building it up, youll find everybody you need on here to restore a bike. if you just want the bike and cant be arsed with the hassle of restoring one get the full bike, as for is the one mentioned worth the money i dont know, if your willing to pay it then its worth it, hope this helps...oh and welcome to rad, nice1 gaz :daumenhoch:

Offline brettypeeps

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2010, 11:22 PM »
x 2. Build from frame and forks, build as you want. It is far more satisfying and the fun is finding the parts you want :daumenhoch:
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 11:56 PM by brettypeeps »


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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2010, 11:46 PM »
as these guys say , build your own mate its more satisfying.   good to see a fellow irish lad on here , where in ireland are you from?

Haro Fan

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2010, 04:50 PM »
Thanks for the feedback. It's hard to decide what to do, buy complete or do a from-the-ground-up restoration.

N13, I'm from Galway originally but working in Dublin now.


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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2010, 05:17 PM »
Build it :4_17_5:

or you will forever be tweeking it...  Oh OK you will always be tweeking it no matter what :daumenhoch:

Haro Fan

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2010, 06:02 PM »
OK. I've just bid for a frame on ebay. I'm not going to pay a crazy price for it but if I win it, it will start the ball rolling. If I do get one, it will be for riding (a little), not just for show. Thanks.


Offline brettypeeps

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2010, 08:25 PM »
Mine is ridden even at skateparks.  And it is beautiful :4_17_5:


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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2010, 09:08 PM »
^^^ what they said!  :daumenhoch:

I found this site while looking for info on building my first mid-life crisis bike and now I'm part way through my own haro master!
There are loads of helpful people on here and posts with useful info - I can tell you that scouring the web for parts is good fun, plus you get to decide what goes on it

Be warned though, it is addictive - mrs griff has already compared me to a crackhead the amount of time I've been spending on here ;D

welcome and good luck with the build mate

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2010, 10:09 AM »
I agree, build it yourself. Far more satisfying...
....and as Griff says,it becomes very addictive. Just over a year a go i decided to build a skyway t/a. I now have the skyway, an MT Racing Fox and parts for a Hutch and PK Ripper builds.... I also wouldn't mind a patterson....

Haro Fan

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2010, 01:25 PM »
I am currently in the lead in bidding for a chrome 84 Master on ebay. Price is currently $610 but is likely to go a lot higher. I'm not sure I can afford much more for the F&F only.

It is now making the €900 complete 85 Green Master look like a bargain. I have one question about the 85 Master and its built-in platforms on the rear drop-outs. Are they going to cause lots of annoying bangs and bruises to your ankles? They seem to extend a good way along the chain stays and look like they are designed to inflict the most pain on your ankles when pedalling. Any 85 Master Pilots able to comment on this? Thanks.



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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2010, 01:40 PM »

Some helpful advice I got for here is be sure to include customs charges if buying from the US
I almost bid on a US F/F forgetting that customs will want their pound of flesh!

Although I haven't got my cranks n pedals on here yet can't see any real issues with my ankles, won't have the thing built until after xmas now though so will wait and see.

From what I've seen you'll pay more for an 84, but for me the 85 was the one I wanted most anyway (mainly because of those dropouts!) you will pay more for a chrome one but be patient as you can and use the wanted section on this site for the stuff you need, you never know when someone will decide to let one out of their bmx cave. If it's any help, I reckon by the end of the build I'll be at the £700 (ish) mark all in, but I have used a few parts that aren't exactly year-correct.



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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2010, 11:48 PM »
i know its not old school and i woulndt buy a haro tank  :2funny: :2funny: (only joking guys) but i have a sweet 2011 wtp trust for sale sitting over in ireland gathering dust,


Offline brettypeeps

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2010, 12:08 AM »
I am currently in the lead in bidding for a chrome 84 Master on ebay. Price is currently $610 but is likely to go a lot higher. I'm not sure I can afford much more for the F&F only.

It is now making the €900 complete 85 Green Master look like a bargain. I have one question about the 85 Master and its built-in platforms on the rear drop-outs. Are they going to cause lots of annoying bangs and bruises to your ankles? They seem to extend a good way along the chain stays and look like they are designed to inflict the most pain on your ankles when pedalling. Any 85 Master Pilots able to comment on this? Thanks.


I have never had a problem with mine and never known any body that has had a problem :daumenhoch:

There is a nice Green 85 Master on the Bay at the moment
Good Price aswell

If you buy from the US customs can sting you a fair amount they got me to the tune of £100.  All in all mine cost about a grand but it was virtually all NOS parts.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 12:15 AM by brettypeeps »

Haro Fan

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #14 on: November 17, 2010, 12:51 AM »
Thanks for all the advice so far. Here is the F&F I am bidding on:

I contacted the seller and he gave the serial number as 8408****. Not sure why he didn't give the full serial. Does that tally with the register for Haro frames and is this a genuine Haro Master? It looks like the real deal but you guys here know this stuff like the back of your hands. Thanks for any information on this.

Haro Fan.


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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2010, 12:54 AM »
Thanks for all the advice so far. Here is the F&F I am bidding on:

I contacted the seller and he gave the serial number as 8408****. Not sure why he didn't give the full serial. Does that tally with the register for Haro frames and is this a genuine Haro Master? It looks like the real deal but you guys here know this stuff like the back of your hands. Thanks for any information on this.

Haro Fan.

Proper Haro 3rd Gen i.e not made by Torker in the USA

Offline brettypeeps

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #16 on: November 17, 2010, 01:07 AM »
It is not unusual for a seller not to give the frame number it stops it getting duplicated :daumenhoch:

It looks Sweet :daumenhoch: It appears to be a genuine frame to me but I am more of a fan of the 85/86 Master.  :4_17_5:

I would not bid on an auction until the last 30seconds to be honest with you before that time you just drive the price of the auction up.  there are legal tools that can bid for you search Google for them :daumenhoch:

Haro Fan

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #17 on: November 17, 2010, 01:09 PM »
Thanks for the feedback.

Can I ask if the current price is good value for what's on offer? The postage will be $70 on top of the purchase price plus possibly whatever the customs charge will be (probably 21% of the price).  What do you think? I am at my max (or a little above) for my budget on the F&F. Chances are, with four days to go, the price might go higher and it will probably be out of my reach then.

I will see how things go. I might have to consider another make of F&F for a restoration project. For example, there is a GT Pro Performer on ebay at the moment and it's less than a tenner. I was never a big fan of the GT but it's a quality frame (as far as I know) and sits nicely in my price range! Am I correct in thinking that classic Haro Masters are pretty much at the top end of the old school BMX market, and all the other well-known brands from the 83 to 87 period generally are slightly less sought after and thus generally not as expensive? Thanks for your views on this.


Offline brettypeeps

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #18 on: November 17, 2010, 01:28 PM »
Thanks for the feedback.

Can I ask if the current price is good value for what's on offer? The postage will be $70 on top of the purchase price plus possibly whatever the customs charge will be (probably 21% of the price).  What do you think? I am at my max (or a little above) for my budget on the F&F. Chances are, with four days to go, the price might go higher and it will probably be out of my reach then.

I will see how things go. I might have to consider another make of F&F for a restoration project. For example, there is a GT Pro Performer on ebay at the moment and it's less than a tenner. I was never a big fan of the GT but it's a quality frame (as far as I know) and sits nicely in my price range! Am I correct in thinking that classic Haro Masters are pretty much at the top end of the old school BMX market, and all the other well-known brands from the 83 to 87 period generally are slightly less sought after and thus generally not as expensive? Thanks for your views on this.


The Master in the States will probably sell for best part of about $900 if not more.

 In my opinion I would consider the Haro Master amongst the Holy Grail of BMX Freestyle along with the DP Firebird Freestyler, Skyway Streetbeat and the GT Pro Performer.  I have owned three of these so farand rate all of them and Plan to try and get the GT next year.  I  :smitten: Love the Master the best,  Maybe it is because it was bought back to life.

A Skyway Streatbeat is about the cheapest of these at the moments because there were a load of NOS frames found a few years ago and there is a plentiful supplyof them that pass through ebay.. I reluctantly sold mine about three weeks ago for about £160 and it was perfect.  you cld always buy the complete bike in Ireland and sell the parts you dont want and replace them with parts you do.  This will be the cheapest way of getting a master.  and you can still have the satisfaction of making it your own :daumenhoch:

Offline brettypeeps

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #19 on: November 17, 2010, 01:39 PM »
What I didnt say was when I was looking for a freestyle bike I was looking for a Master and then purchased the streetbeat instead, then a reflex and then the master I only have one of them left so buy what you want first time  :daumenhoch:


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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2010, 06:17 PM »
Get an 84 Haro FST-ride's cool,looks sexy and bob's a good un  ;)
Here's my 1st Haro Frameset from 3 years ago  ???  84 gen2 Master Frame and Fooks  :coolsmiley:

Sports ride much nicer though  :)

« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 06:19 PM by spacemanâ„¢ »

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #21 on: November 18, 2010, 12:18 AM »
Spaceman and Bretty, stop teasing me with photos of your Haros!

As expected, I have been outbid on the 84 Master F&F. I am now working hard to contact the seller of the Master bike here in Ireland.

The dirt-cheap GT Pro Performer has also shot up in price, closer to its real value. I came across this as well;

Is this a close cousin of the Gen 1 Haro Master? It might be an option for a purchase with a view to upgrading it a little. Is the frame of comparable build quality to the Haros and GT Performers? Thanks.

Haro Fan.

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Re: Haro Master: Buying the dream.
« Reply #22 on: November 18, 2010, 12:43 AM »

GT with BIN

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