awesome pics andy. that 1 foot invert is so nice
how does this guy do this though:

I thought that you would appreciate that pic more than anyone.

Adam started the trick with an endo to front wheel hop. Then in one motion, puts both feet on the front wheel, one foot on each side of his forks and continued to hop on his front wheel. Then he would kick up his feet over his head like the pic, stall for a second or so, and drop his feet back down to his front wheel again and continue to hop. From there he could go to other tricks and variations, roll-out, cherry picker etc...etc..
He was a very good flatlander for the time and could ride vert as well. Adam is the guy that first took me to Joes ramp in Hawaii.
His other hand is on the seat, his hand moved to the seat at the same time that his feet moved from the pedals to front wheel.