6 years ago i bought a diamond back from a boot fair for a tenner,it had burner bits on it.
after buyin i went to put in back of van and stupidly reversed over it[not good]
i sold the burner bits on ebay and kept wheels.
it was banana shape and my friend said it was unstraightenable .
sparky dated it as 1983 and i put it on ebay as bent frame db.40 watchers but no bids for a tenner.
6 yrs later due to snow and a free blow torch i straghten frame.
a good friend painted it for free and i got some decals on ebay .
this is as far as ive got [forks are not db]
sorry about waffle but has really taken that long, im more into mid school.
total cost£30 so far.
i got some db 3 peice cranks and some rims but thats about it
im in no rush,,,any one got a rear super pro hub for sale. lol