I would just like to say thanks to everyone for a great day out

to Pickle and others who help make it that great day
I would like to say sorry for anyone that went mad, with me driving them crazy with my siren - but it did work when going through red lights and with pedestrians and at one point we pulled a van over thinking it was the cops behind him

as per each year MATT/swivel never failed to have some thing wrong with his bike from the start

happy in the end that he got his bolt and was able to come off the Valium to keep riding along with us big boys

most of us would like to that wolfgirl for getting her bum out at the gun pub

the mini thrashers that ketp the pack up to speed in the front of the ride

Holwuff for snapping his chain - but the lad at Evans for sorting it out and getting him back on the road
bam bam for nearly kicking it off before it had started at the train station with the guard - all pubs have been alerted for next year

It was good to meet you all - some great rides that were pure class - we need a few more plasters for the fallen - a few more tools for the finger tight