2 wheels are most definitely fun, I just seem to have trouble keeping them. Every bike I've ever had, my Motomag, Kuwi KZ1, Streetbeat & my 600 Ninja have all been pinched.
I only ever got the front up like that once, I had my boss on the back and he kept going on how his Fazer 600 was as fast as the Ninja, had to prove him wrong. Opened her right up on the Blackwall Tunnel approach road and up came the front, and stayed up. I could hear him screaming with laughter and when we got to the next set of lights to turn on to the A13 he had to get off, he was giggling like a schoolgirl. He also thought it was something I meant to do and reckoned I was some kind of bike god. Good job I never owned up to it being a total fluke that we weren't spread all over the road.