Went to Canvey skatepark yesterday(top place and good people that run the shop there) was showing the youngens i could actually do something.
Trying to save money for my once and month habit(time my wife lets me ride, my bike)
Going higher and higher on the mini ramp (5ft high) and clipped my front wheel slammed straight onto my face. My glasses sbroke and the frame slid up into my forrid.
I have a bruised cheek and a 8 stich deep cut in my forehead. 90 % of this could have been avoided if i had stayed at home or wore a crash helmet of some sorts. Did wear shin pads but no knee or elbow. I did knock both my knees, i did wear gloves and i was gratefull for that.
So the morale of this story is please wear your protection where ever you are.
As they said in Hill Street Blues everyweek "Lets be carefull out there"