Hey, thanks for all the great messages folks

I remember riding the track several times after the racing finished but I've no memory of the last lap when, as JJ calls it, I performed my circus act

I was knocked out cold on impact and concussion was the only initial call for concern ... until I stood up complaining of back and shoulder pains

My left shoulder is well smashed though the pain killers are keeping me sain (if that was ever possible) and there's a good chance I may have to go under the knife depending what things looks like once the swelling goes down

More importantly, the loopy Quad survived very well ... it was returned to me last night wearing bars like a Burner with minor grazing to the grips, pedals and seat only - BONUS !! I'm looking forward to getting back out on it as soon as poss to blow off all that lurvely MK dust !!
Thanks again for all your phone calls, texts and PM's and maybe HUTCHMAN wouldn't mind posting up an account of what actually happened to help me remember
