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There was a semi decent Halpipe in ashingdon(Hockley) i rode in the late eighties and did you ride the bowl(car park in Basildon) ? Is there any public concrete Skateparks in our area ?
Why did they take the decent halfpipe away at Blackshots sports centre ? there was one at the old terry Marsh center in Pitsea ? Why do the councils put these things up then take them down ?[/quotecorringham used to have a half decent skatepark yrs ago, thats all gone now. i really cant belive they built this new track in bulphan, fook me there only 30yrs to late. ]
I went to Bercy stadium in France with the guys who made the ramp in Rochford to watch all the USA pros(bike and skate) in a halfpipe comp. I remember little Mark(streetbeat) Lee (Hutch) good ramp rider and a few others and they were all good blokes. Were are they now i keep asking myself. I dont know of any good halfpipes now in the area ?