The bike more than makes up for the 'interesting' pottery figures

Nice build Danny
, real aerospeeds or sander/vert ego/maghubs speeds ? .
NOOOOO thats real repop what you say
these are real johnny chopper aerospeeds

before jdb came up in his life
unstamped and raw unfinished
a guy on the museum wanted to buy them for 900usd

cause there are only 100 sets made of these cranks and only 10 sets stamped hutch for jdb
lasts parts are ordered
nos chrome mx levers and weinman adjuster for a freestyle brake
still looking for black skyway brake blocks
the seat is going to be replaced whit a black kashimax
parts list so far
Nos ame unitron grips whit and black
nos/mint mike d ladderbars
nos hutch freestyle stem
nos chrome tange lp125 headset
the seat is nos but is going to be replaced
Nos seatpost
nos seatpost clamp
tioga come street nos
black z rims whit gt mohawk hubs

need hutch hubs (out of money sort of hahaha)
jc cranks whit the #001 jdb hutch pedals
chrome mx1000 brakes
thanks for the compliments guys
also busy on a gt pro series 1982