takes the p155
mind you they do have gold writing 
and to top it off tuffs are 5h1t wheels anyways

even with gold writing, haha.
In general, all OS stuff is well over priced. I've been outbid loads recently on ebay so I'm just not going to even bother with ebay for bike parts anymore - just takes the fun out of it. Tracking stuff down the old way is more fun anyways. The last few bits i've got have been free anyway, from old mates who used to ride etc. I got given an sr stem from a young lad who rides our trails - its cleaned up real nice. I just don't have the money to get a deep h stem or gen1 what ever - I'm looking for an old bike to strip down and restore just for fun, I don't mind paying a little - but prices now just daft, bet a few steets down from me is an old bmx waiting for me to get hold of it, you never know.