quickly built up to try not sure if this is mid or new 1998 robinson frame and forks .
feels good doesnt feel like 20 inch top tube for sure but front end is bit low for me at moment will have to have play also front is tad heavy maybe the tyre i had .
built from mostly used parts
robinson rebel 1998 race frame and forks
used headset
new 28x8.25 bars
new dk stem .bit heavy and low will be changed eventually when i casn afford summat better
ame grips
tech 77 pre bent lever (need v brake lever but cant buy one yet)
used sugino gt crankset and 44t sugino ring
oddy sharbite pedals new
new kalloy seat post with s&M p rail seat new
robinson twin clamp seat post clamp
acs sealed hubs and what look lilke mid school gt performer rims /wheels
crap v brake but it stops too keen at moment with kool stop pads and slick cable .(pulled the lever and nearly went over the bars god the brake is kean man )
so this cost about £200.00 or so to put together maybe bit over but it weighs in at very impressive 23 lbs and this will go down when i can find lighter tyre for front .
any suggestions on new school tyre

?for race of course and i dont like 1.75 front i like bigger one