I've always been into BMX from the BMX Beat days but couldn't ever do anything to brag about on a bike just a couple of tricks now I can't do nowt.
But when I was younger I was sat on this bench with my mate and two lads came walking by and one of them asked if he could have ago on my bike which had no brakes at the time and he did this perfect 360 bunnyhop where you 180 and land on your back wheel and then just rotate the last 180 on your wheel.
I was so amazed at seeing him do this on my bike with no brakes and the last 180 roatation when he was on the back wheel was nice and slow it wasn't done quick which made it more amazing to me.
Then another time me and my same mate where talking to this lad and he said do you want to see my jump I can do on my BMX (He was always good though on a BMX) so we said yeah ok and he took this run up and jumped about 4ft high and table topped it he went quite far too and this jump was off of nothing just where part of the path was sloped up abit and I mean abit to this day when I walk past the same piece of path I still wonder how he did it.