name, wayne
job, engineer/fitter/welder/mechanic.
likes, my mrs and kids, osbmx, eating, spending money.
dislikes, having no money, selfish people, raleigh burners.
years collecting, just over a year.
fave bmx, pk ripper.
fave brand, gt, se, mrd.

my first build, ok its a haro rs2, don't laugh! then is my 84 gt pro, i also have a dp freestyler and another gt pro, not built yet!

1984 gt pro

my rider.............
parts list...
survivor f&f. 1984 gt pro
survivor expert bars.
survivor araya black 7x laced to high flange suzie hubbs.
survivor sugino 1 piece.
survivor sugino spider.
sugino chrome 44t chainring.
survivor tange bottom bracket
chrome taya chain.
victor vp beartraps.
survivor chrome mx1000 brake set + polished tech3 lever and my home made lever cover.
survivor tuff neck ace stem.
gt seat post
black acs seat clamp.
kashimax mx seat.
black acs seat clamp.
ame grips/jive donuts.
black and white gt padset repro
comp 3 reissues fat/thin combo.
uni turbo plate
